im charlotte louise dungworth,
im blonde(its fake) i hav blue eyes(their real.:))
i hate 2 b played, i liked playin but not with people its horrible and cruel so don't do it, you upset people!
i work at kfc so lol at me now, bt actually its quite fun,
but i go 2 6th form at wales high 5 days a week,
i enjoy drinking a lot, it makes boys brave and girls! i didn' say that someone else did but it is totally true. most people say i talk way 2 fast its only because there aren't enough ours in the day 2 always talk really slowly. i get bored very easily so keep me amused and your better than most people.
my friends are the reason i get up in the mornin because i don't half love sleep and my warm warm bed in winter. i hate plans spur of the moment is the only way 2 live wats the point in knowing wat ur going 2 do tomorrow then u wouldnt have half as much fun as if u didn't kno and someone jus wisked u away, but i think i mite live in a fairy tale with that one.
i like pretty much any kind of music xcept like grunge n reli heavy rock that makes my head hurt but yeh other than that i can get my groove on 2 anything. i'l b the one at parties makin a tit of themselves bt its ok u wont remember it tomorrow.
oh n i flirt without realisin, soz.
so thats me ^^ wanna chat?