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sticks. and stones. may break. your. bones. but words. can. hurt. like hell.

About Me

"experts in ancient greek culture say that people back then didn't see their thoughts as belonging to them. When ancient greeks had a thought, it occurred to them as a god or goddess giving an order. Apollo was telling them to be brave. Athena was telling them to fall in love. now people hear a commercial for sour cream potato chips and rush out to buy, but now they call this free will. at least the ancient greeks were being honest."
my. name is. matthew. but that. is not. who. i am. "matthew" is. just. a word. used. to label. me. i hate. labels. i am. so. much. more than. a label. refuse to. be. labeled.
i sell. books. in a. bookstore. it is. the. greatest. job. ever. i read. a. lot. and i. love. it all.
wisdom. is. my ultimate. goal. but until. then. i will. be. content. with knowing. nothing.
a lot. of people. who. say. that they. are. different. are. completely. wrong. stay. away from. the. stereotypes. and do not. fear. change.
i. like. vampires. a lot.

My Interests





I'd like to meet:

a vampire. she would. bite me. making me. a vampire. then. you. would. all. fear. me.

a. wise person. but. they. are. so. incredibly. rare.


1. beatles.
2. bloc party.
3. clinic.
4. bright eyes.
5. cranes.


1. who framed roger rabbit?
2. nightmare before christmas.
3. v for vendetta.
4. fight club.
5. boondock saints.
6. little miss sunshine.

all amazing. i. could. watch. them. forever.


1. animaniacs.
2. daily show.
3. colbert report.
4. history channel.

i wish. animaniacs. would come. back to us. the. greatest. show. ever.


i'll do. authors. instead of. books. since there. are. so many. books. i love.

1. chuck palahniuk.
2. phillip pullman.
3. neil gaiman.
4. george r.r. martin.
5. christopher moore.
6. j.k. rowling.
7. guy gavriel kay.
8. lewis carroll.
9. dan simmons.

currently. reading: picture. of dorian. grey.


1. deathnote.
2. hellsing.
3. yotsuba&!.
4. godchild.
5. battle royale.

chuck. palahniuk. is. a. genius. read. everything. he. writes.


heroes. are. overrated. i look. up to. me. i am. my. own. role. model. everyone. else. just lets. you down.

My Blog

i was. craving. it. today.

the blood. i. was. craving. the blood. of the. stupid. people. around. me. today. and it. all. started. this. morning.i was. just. about. to cross. the street. today at. clark. i never. hit the. butto...
Posted by witworm on Mon, 05 Feb 2007 02:46:00 PST

be still. while. i drink. you.

hello. i am. back. with. my thoughts. on just. about. everything. recently. i've. been. counting. the number. of people. who have. decided. that i'm. going. to hell. for having. a lip. ring. i hit. do...
Posted by witworm on Fri, 02 Feb 2007 01:06:00 PST