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About Me

My name is Heather, I'm 27 and i just married the man of my dreams on 8/23/08. The whole wedding thing was REALLY stressful but SOOOO worth it cause everything worked out in the end and it was an absolutely perfect and beautiful day. Landyn started pre-K on the 25th i just can't believe that my lil man is growin up soooo fast. My sister Wendy just left for Navy bootcamp on the 27th and im really sad about that cause i will miss her like crazy but im also sooooo proud of that gurl! Kick some a$$ honey. Now that things are gettin back to normal the only thing that we are anticipating at the moment is the birth of my millionth neice audree lenee'...i can't wait for my baby gurl to get here. i am really happy and feeling extremely blessed at the moment, but what else is new i live a charmed life!!!!

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Im just going to take this time and tell everyone that has helped me soo much with this wedding THANK YOU!!!!! Things are really startin to come together and i can't wait for the day to come but reall...
Posted by on Fri, 04 Jul 2008 20:06:00 GMT

Planning a wedding....SERIOUSLY?!?!?!

well its finally gonna happen but how come noone told me just what a huge pain in the ass planning a wedding was going to be. my baby finally got to come home and i couldnt be more greatful. right now...
Posted by on Sat, 07 Jun 2008 21:42:00 GMT

Wedding Blues....I’m so mad!!!!

ok so on this beautiful snow covered day i should be on a plane headed to jamaica or somewhere warm and sunny on my hunnymoon. for all those a lil confused at the moment yesterday was the day that i w...
Posted by on Sun, 24 Feb 2008 10:09:00 GMT

Fickle Females

You know what really kills me is just how horrible females are and at the same time how fickle they are.  About a month ago my whole world was almost crusted by the most horrilbe Bia that thought...
Posted by on Sun, 16 Dec 2007 09:37:00 GMT