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This is the best way I've seen the truth about our gov't in short...THE NWO IS COMING SOON TO A TOWN NEAR YOU...Heres a guy who is in congress forever...I think he knows whats going on...This is a new buddy, fellow patriot, says it how it is, this is where I was..."blissfully ignorant" Then I woke up! This is what Ron Pauls message is trying to do, wake us up to what the gov't is doing to our lives...And make us conscious of our own...WAKE UP...excuse the language from george carlin..."Perhaps it is better in this present world of ours that a r3volutionary idea or invention instead of being helped and patted, be hampered and ill-treated in it's adolescence-by want of means, selfish interest, pedantery, stupidity and igonorance; that it be attacked and stifled; That it pass through bitter trials and tribualtions, throught the heartless strife of commercial existance. So all that was great in the past was ridiculed, condemned, combatted, supressed-only to emerge all the more powerfully, all the more triumphantly from the struggle... --Nikola TeslaGeorge Carlin...On saving the planet...This is the most CONDEMNING evidence our country is corrupted and infiltrated by a secret society...let it be known, this country needs a nation of minute men, ready to restore our REPUBLIC!This is not the end, it's just the begining, get the word out to save this world...all should know that care for the futre generations...So heres a LIL' guy with a BIG point!!!So it was time to update this section of my page...I'm a 24 year old craftsman, working on the whole figuring out life deal...Thats where I should've been ignorant to the truth like the rest of Americans, but I had the time to dig, my own hole, I now know way to much for my own good and wish I never knew anything about the inner works of our gov't and the driving force that keeps this out of control spending economy going...Don't think it's you Tax Payer, we only pay interest on the principal, and the principal is growing...we are being lead, purposfully down the road to bankruptcy, the gov't as a nation, and the people! I've come to the conclusion I'm not nuts, I'm one of the few who can swallow the truth...these days, people are blind to the truth, not wanting to know what goes on, just get r done! I'm worried for the founding fathers warned us it is our responsibility to maintain the republic, not an empire...The distractions of everyday living doesn't permit a "normal" person to divuldge themselves in research, and when it does give you some time, you much rather watch football, or the news! lol Read up on history, IT DOES repeat itself, just not the same characters! I still love anything that gets the heart pumping, definatly a risk taker, still like to chill out and have a good movie night here and there, but for the most part I'm always on the go... I started my own business, so thats interesting...huh?! I like it! lol It's a harder thing to pull off then I anticipated but rome wasn't built in a day either, so I've got some time to get it up to the way I want. I do anything fun and exciting, anything...seriously those who know me, know me! lol"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot." -- Mark Twain"I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the MIND of man." -- Thomas Jefferson"I place economy among the first and most important virtues, and public debt as the greatest of dangers. To preserve our independence, we must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt." -- Thomas Jefferson"Let it not be said that no one cared, that no objected once it's realized that our liberties and wealth are in jeopardy. -- Dr. Ron Paul"VOTE RON PAUL TO SAVE THE WORLD... TRUTH HURTS...INVESTIGATE FOR YOURSELF WHATS REALLY GOING ON BEHIND CONGRESSIONAL WALLS!!!!K, you NEED a rest about now...Check out lil' bush for a laugh, said but TRUE this IS how it works...Hilary and Walter Kronkite...On the World Federalists Award night...Look at what we've been influenced by...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THE TRUTH ABOUT THE ECONOMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THE 28th AMENDMENT...HELP GET IT PASSED!!! It's the Good conscience in all of us...Jesse Ventura, bout 9/11 Puts Hannity in his ignorant place!HERES A NEW ONE....MARCH 29, 2008Ron Paul...asking his tough questions to General Portreaus.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Ron Paul, he's America's HERO!!! The All American Hero!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!TRY THIS ON FOR SIZE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Does anybody make conscious choices that determine the daily dealings of the entire planet?Several individuals do indeed make far-reaching, life and death decisions without getting their own hands dirty. It can be argued that this handful of people can pull all major strings, in the realm of armed international conflict and the threat thereof. The financial reigns also lie in a few fingers. Decisions in boardrooms affect the well-being of an increasingly large section of the world population. It is hard to determining if political leaders or business executives wield more power. Simply knowing where one begins and the other ends has become difficult.If we take all the 252 political leaders of all sovereign nations and territories on the planet and add the business leaders of the top 500 richest companies, we arrive at 752 decision-makers, elected or not.These individuals rely upon and are influenced by an inner circle of five advisors, partners, cabinet members, opposition leaders or generals each. That adds 3760 more folks into the command flow.There are perhaps an additional 100 religious leaders with influence over a sizeable group of people, another 100 leaders of international institution, organizations and unions participate on the global scene and fewer than 100 heads of criminal organizations have any significant sway.A total of 4812 people dominate the world's decision-making process. Less than 5000 people determine what you eat, where you can move to, what your child learns in school, how much you earn, what you see on television and how many bombs drop on your head.5000 people are less than 0.000000077% of the world population.99.999999923% of us are effectively shut out of the decision making process.So you just read that, now listen to this...on CNN nonetheless, who has control of america...just to clue you's not WE THE PEOPLE, PEOPLE! PEACE~!XIII.CONTROL PYRAMID A total of 4812 individuals sit on top of a vast base of 6'299'995'188 people without say. CLICK TO VIEWThe current chaotic assortment of less than 5000 narrow-minded self-interests forced on top of each other certainly do not constitute an efficient administration. Due to the competitive mentality amongst this leadership club there is little fundamental cooperation, even amongst the powerful few. Unilateral decision-making, cancellation of treaties and the violation of international law with the purpose of enrichment have run rampant. A gaping void exists when it comes to enforceable regulations, ethics or norms in the international arena. The current power brokers profiteer greatly from the lack of accountability and seem obsessed with taking advantage of all these loopholes for as long as they can.WHO I DON"T WANT TO MEET:John "bomb Iran" McCain, dudes a worse puppet then Bush!~

My Blog

Some Jokes to take seriously!! lol

Filed under: humor President Bush, First Lady Laura and Dick Cheney were flying on Air Force One. George looked at Laura, chuckled and said, "You know, I could throw a $1,000 bill out of the window r...
Posted by on Wed, 12 Mar 2008 14:04:00 GMT

My thoughts on McInsane, I sent him this...

(They were asking for support at the local level for pennsylvanians...I signed up for emails from his page, just so I could keep my enemies closer!!!)    I’ll do NO such thing, my supp...
Posted by on Wed, 12 Mar 2008 13:24:00 GMT