I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4
Please NO invitations to "Spam"-Cam´s or any other Come-and-Pay-Stuff. I´m married 2 Kids and do not need any other girls around. And please do not try to invite me to you´re label or "push-up for unknown musicians" sort of things. As I am a real musician, I take care for that for myself.
It´s no band, it is just me. There were two bands between 1986 and 1992, called "Black Factory" and "Usual Insanity". Both with the same goal: "Create songs out of improvisation". No chaos (okay, sometimes), but mostly with good ears for sounds and melodys. This credo is the intention for my homerecording till today.
After one year of tuition in classical guitar, which was not, was I expected from playing and sounding a guitar, I went into those bands mentioned above. There I started playing the bass, which was one of the best ideas till now. I love the four strings. And the six of an guitar also. I play both. And till now as an autodidact using ears and feeling.
Till today my approach to songs and sounds is the improvisation. A good groove from a drummachine, a strange sound ... that´s it. Perhaps a little bit like Eno and Fripp. No intention to work out Top-Ten-Hits. Till now I don´t know, how to do that. If so, I wouldn´t be here ;-)))))
Thanks to everyone looking and listening.
Look at the LYRICS for information about how and why.