The Lady Swang profile picture

The Lady Swang

The truth out there is cold, and nothing to keep you warm.

About Me

found this love layout at HOT
Your Passion is Orange
Your sex life is driven by your wild fantasies.
For you, sex is a dramatic performance where you are the star.
And you love putting on a wild act for your lover, trying to top last night's show.
Whether you enjoy the actual sex is irrelevant... it's all about putting on a good act! What Color Is Your Passion?

My Interests

I love movies, good movies, that is. I always try to surround myself with music. Snowboarding, even though I haven't been in about two years, singing, acting and dancing of course, even though I'm only good at one of them. Dogs, horses, and of"
adopt your own virtual pet!"

I'd like to meet:

I think I'd die if I met Alan Rickman, Cate Blanchet, Kate Winslet, Ian Mckellan, Gerard Butler, Hugh Jackman, or Russell Crowe. There are so many others that I'd love to meet, but this small list will do for now.


Your Seduction Style: Prized Object
The seduction game you play is tried, true, and still effective: hard to get.
You know that the best seducers turn the tables - and get their crush to seduce them.
The one running has the power, and you're a challenge that is worth the chase.

You are a master of enticing and pulling back. Giving a little and taking some away.
You are controlled enough to know rewards come after a long seduction dance.
Even though you want to call, email, or say "I love you" first - you don't!

You're style is the perfect mix of hot and cold - so much so that you have many suitors.
Think Holly Golightly from Breakfast at Tiffany's ... or any of those creepy guys from the Bachelor.
You're skilled at inspiring a chase. The real test is picking the person to slow down for. What Kind of Seducer Are You?As of late...Massive Attack, Alicia Keys, Cake, John Barry, Yo-Yo Ma, Damien Rice, a couple different soundtracks, Michael Buble...yes I am your typical chick who likes him...,Moby, Moxy Fruvous, Peter Gabriel, Righteous Brothers, some Brazzaville...some cutie got me kinda hooked on these guys...Garbage, Bitter:Sweet, Peaches, and now I'm freezin'.


Order of the Phoenix, Borne Ultimatum, Casino Royale, Ratatoulle, Black Snake Moan, Runaway Jury, The Matrix, 300, FUCKIN' TRANSFORMERS!!, Elizabeth, call me a nerd or whatever but...all H.P. films, and I do love the LOR trilogy. You can't beat a good Disney movie, and there ain't nothin' like a violent Tarantino flick.


FAMILY GUY, Heroes, Simpsons, Spongebob, House, Coupling, and even though it's totally messed up, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.


Sue Grafton and J.K. Rowling rock my socks.


Your results:
You are Supergirl Supergirl 85% Superman 75% Wonder Woman 75% Hulk 75% Spider-Man 70% The Flash 70% Green Lantern 70% Iron Man 70% Batman 65% Catwoman 65% Robin 42% Lean, muscular and feminine.
Honest and a defender of the innocent.
Click here to take the "Which Superhero are you?" quiz...
My mom(duh), Batman, Spider-Man, Wolverine, and, of course, Kevin.
Create your own Friend Quiz here

My Blog

Love is like Magic...

"Love is like Magic, but most of the time Magic is just an Illusion."   Hmm...I think I do believe that, not to say that most of the time love is just a lame card trick or a disappearing rab...
Posted by The Lady Swang on Mon, 02 Jul 2007 10:06:00 PST

Good Days, and Bad Days

So, for about three weeks, I was having the shittiest time of my life, I was constantly depressed, I didn't want to do anything, and I always felt the need to cry, even though I couldn't!  So, wh...
Posted by The Lady Swang on Tue, 14 Mar 2006 04:29:00 PST