Food For Thought: Im learnin that all of us are very BLESSED and it is up to us, to educate ourselves and others..WE cannot hide behind a rock or not think about it juss so we can pretend like its not happening..Its happenin..people are dying every day..poverty is increasing..war is here...and hatred and racism are as strong as they ever were..But it is up to be the change that we want in this world...No longer can we stand for the norm but instead we must stand strong in wut we believe, never waivering in the faith that we have..For if we fail to do this, then we fail to truly live, we fail to reach our full potential, we fail to be the human beings we have been called to be, which means you have failed at life. The money, the cars, the clothes and the gurls/ guys..arent always going to last..but ur chance to reach out and everlasting..Your chance to be that role model or that leader that makes a difference is waiting...So reach your full potential, find your calling and do it on purpose..remember its not always about getting money but its about bettering yourself, those around you, and the circumstances that surround us. For only then can this world succeed. This Is My Life!!
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