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I am here for Friends

About Me

Aussie Pride. SCS. ♥
I go to concerts and watch 50 year olds in tight lycra/leather pants rock out on stage haha. =]
Kelly. 16. Female. Victoria, Australia. Bisexual.
I love Jaz. bahaa.
Music and gigs. Underground bands
Sega and Sonic the Hedgehog
My friends (online and offline) and my dreams and memories
Drunken nights with Emi, Mara and Ami <3
Deb Training
Peter Pan - The Production.
I don’t care about the way you look, the clothes you wear, the music you listen to or your sexuality.
I want to be a street dancer
I want to be known
I want to be a model
I want to be remembered
I want to help the world and the disadvantaged
I want to be the best I can
I want to be a rockstar
I want to be famous.
I want to travel the world
I want be known and recognised
I want to help as much as I can
I want to be a hero and a saviour
I want to go back in time and start again
I don’t want all the fuckups to ruin my dreams
I want to start again and become number one.
I’m scared I’ll die still chasing my dreams and that I will never conquer the things I’ve wanted to do since I was young.
Bon Jovi inspires me.
I was born into the wrong decade.
This is the story of my life, and I write it every day, and I hope you’re by my side when I’m writing the last page..(8)
I’ve smoked and I’ve been high.
I’ve drunk and I’ve been stoned.
I’m loved and I’m hated.
I hate and I love.
I’m a daughter, a sister, a niece, a granddaughter.
I’ve quit and I’ve tried my hardest.
I’ve failed and I’ve succeeded.
I’ve had my heart broken and I’ve broken someone’s heart.
I’ve cried and I’ve laughed.
I’ve O.D’d and I’ve cut.
I’ve been depressed and I’ve never been happier
“Isn’t the whole rockstar fantasy thing something you’re meant to grow out of when you’re 14?"
If that’s true, I’ll never grow any older than 13, along with MANY others in this world.
"What the fuck is happening to the music scene? when I was first starting out in the late nineties, it was all about the music and being able to share your heart with the fans and the artists. All I see these days are copy cats, fakes, and people trying to make a quick buck... Or worse a name for themselves. When did it become a pre requisit for guys to be in a band to get laid? What a joke!
Im gonna drag you fucks kicking and screaming outta your own ass holes, and make you see that shit has a limited lifespan. Music was never about how many hot chicks come to your shows!
It was an outlet, a time to share with others and make new friends." -Damien Morris [The Red Shore] R.I.P.♥
You know you're from Corryong when:
- Ruby's is a clothes store and not an ice creamery.
- You think getting Macca's in Albury is exciting.
- Going shopping means travelling 1.5 hours to Albury Wodonga.
- There's only one taxi for the entire district. And that is Bob Wilk.
- The teachers give you the option of collars up or collars down for school photos and you always choose collars up
- You go to the cinema only to find that there is one movie showing... and it’s already been released on DVD.
- You ring 000 and they convert you to Melbourne because they've never heard of Corryong. ...or they argue that you post code isn't your post code because you live just across the river.
- You call the local grocery store any of Food Right, Right Way, or Food Way. - Everything is shut by 8pm.
- You call the IGA Murray Goulbourn or the Butter Factory.
- You see old ladies giving way as they exit the new roundabouts.
- You know every word to 'Run Brumby Run' and 'Jumping Jeremy Jake'
-You answer 'Where are you from?' with 'You wouldn't know it.'
- You've sneaked Vodka into the races in a water bottle. Or sneaked yourself into the races in someone’s car boot.
- A diving board to you is jumping off a bridge.
- You don't see the sun for 3 weeks during winter because the fog doesn’t lift.
- You've breathed the fresh country air only to smell the local sewerage pond.
- You pass 60 million useless signs about uncle Towong and alike before you enter town.
- The petrol guys fill your car up for you.
- You frequently holiday to the beach and the snow.
- You've played Cricket or Basketball in 40 degree heat, and played Footy or Netball in sleet or snow.
- You've swum from Victoria to NSW.
- You know Carol (SPINXY!!!!)
So throw your diamonds in the sky, we’ll stay gold forever..(8)
msn?: [email protected]
mobile?: 0427 297 687 +6127 297 687

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

To Do In 2009:
†Go to Melbourne
†Pass year 11
†Pass my year 12 subjects with a decent score
†Lose weight
†Get fit
†Save $1000
†Go to more gigs
†Get a new phone
†Meet Nathaniel
†Do my deb
†Go to netball training lol
†Meet Ashley
†See Beth
†Meet Paddy
†Meet Lash
†Meet Kris

My Blog

Year six graduation poems;;

So I was going through all my primary school stuff looking for a class photo (which I didn't find) and came across this:It's great to see these students growLeave Primary School beinhdBut we'll not le...
Posted by on Fri, 29 May 2009 19:32:00 GMT

April 21st; International Iron Maiden Day

April 21st; International Iron Maiden DayNot Kidding :) FLIGHT OF THE BEASTIron Maiden: Flight 666 preparing for landing in cinemas all over the world April 21st, 2009, Maiden fans. Bust out your fav ...
Posted by on Thu, 19 Feb 2009 01:07:00 GMT

I love you Beth <33

    [B] e [T] h     |   <3     ////                                           =] says:didnt even know youa nd i was just  raving on with shit all over you LOL      [K]ellerz0r                      ...
Posted by on Sun, 01 Feb 2009 00:13:00 GMT

Truth box replies. Updated occasionally.

The truthbox entries will be in purple and underlined :) And it's from oldest to newest <3I dont think you realize it, but you are way more stunning than you will ever see in the mirror. Others see...
Posted by on Fri, 30 Jan 2009 18:59:00 GMT

Bleeding Through - 20/01/09

Woo, finally another gig =]Bleeding Though, Between the Buried and Me, As Blood Runs Black and In Trenches came to Albury for some stupid but awesome reason last night, and it was amazing =DMaybe it's...
Posted by on Wed, 21 Jan 2009 01:12:00 GMT

Uhhhmmm; idk. Poem thing

Its just a simple feelingThat makes her feel so alive,That puts a smile on her face,That lets you know she cares.A simple feeling that can be broken away And torn down at any second,But only by one p...
Posted by on Tue, 13 Jan 2009 21:06:00 GMT

2008 in review.

So I'm just sitting here thinking about 2008, the ups, the downs, the attepts, the fails, the highs, the lows and the massive changes.I'll start with myspace because it's the easiest:My layout changed...
Posted by on Fri, 09 Jan 2009 23:26:00 GMT

Unanswerable Questions?

Why do we press harder on a remote control when we know the batteries are flat? Because theres a slight chance that there might be a little bit of battery left and the harder you push it the more it ...
Posted by on Fri, 14 Nov 2008 01:39:00 GMT


The pain is getting too much, the thoughts are to reoccurringIm not sure where to go, where to turnI dont know which road to walk downBut I know this isnt the one. The cravings are too often, and ...
Posted by on Sun, 09 Nov 2008 02:24:00 GMT

So true..

Doesn't matter how well off you are, upper class, middle class, lower class.Who gives a fuck about class in the end?Doesn't matter how much money your family has. Whether you've never had to stru...
Posted by on Sun, 05 Oct 2008 03:49:00 GMT