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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

I was born to the mean streets of the IE in late summer, 2001... by January of 2002 I made my way to the local shelter in the hopes that they could get enough weight on my little skeleton to find me a home. 2 weeks later I was up to 2 lbs, but I was still so skinny they thought i was a girl. They discovered I was a boy several hours before they changed that fact. Ouch! So then I got a new home with Betsy and another cat named Luna, but I brought a bad cold with me. Well, with the cold, and the stress of surgery, and the fact that I still weighed less than half of what I should... By the next day I had given up. Lucky for me, Betsy didn't give up. She squirted food down my throat until I thought I would throw up, and about a week later, I was strong enough to let her know how I felt by purring. That was a turning point in my life, because I saw how happy it made her, and I decided to spend my life giving back by purring to whoever will let me.
Nowadays I spend my days kickin it around the house with my 3 girlfriends, waiting for the party to start. Sometimes i get serenaded by Mr Johnny Jetson himself! I love to meet new people, especially girls, taking long walks around the pool, and I cuddle before and after Everything =D
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Everyone!!! Especially: animal lovers, people who like to dance, people who need some loving, people who will play with me, other cats, children!, basically anybody with hands or a lap

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