these people;
.the team
.the team's girls
.mr. spears
.steve scum
.chris aKA money
Gabrielle Christian . AIM UTATR ''wake your eyes.see the world for what it is.see what we go through.see what we overcome.see what we can become.tooshort to dwel in the past.too short to plan the by day.second by time you will find happiness.the journey is times unbearable.but we must keep on.we must remain strong.''(and yes i wrote this)
stuff that actually takes talent to make
the outsiders, chitty chitty bang bang, the harry potter movies, the mask, dumb and dumber, seven, super bad, the lord of the rings movies, kill bill vol. 1 & 2, the brady bunch movie, a very brady sequel
law and order, law and order S.V.U, history channel, discovery channel, and family guy. south of nowhere.scooby doo. goosebumps. are you afrain of the dark. salute your shorts.
the outsiders , bearstien bears books , flat stanley ,chicka-chicka-boom-boom and guess how much i love you
family these two beauties