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Douchebag of the Month
I'm going to try a little something different with my profile. Every month, maybe week if I have more time and more douchebags(shouldn't be a problem), I will post up a new douchebag. Most of the time, this is a douchebag that calls either me or my friend a Sand Nigger, or something to that extent. This week's douchebag is a really really funny one. Check this sentence out. We don't even know what this douchebag is talking about!!!YOU ARE A Camel Jockey & Sand NIGGER A FUCKIN BOAT RIDER THEIF GO THE FUCK BACK TO YOUR COUNTRY YOU NO TALENT CAN'T DO SHIT PROBABLY SLEEP WITH YOU SISTER, THAT'S WHAT YOU CAMEL FUCKS DO OVER THEIR WE & EVERYONE KNOWS YOU FUCKS OVER WHEREVER YOUR FROM DON'T HAVE A SPIT WORTH OF SHIT MY FUCKIN ROCKS IN MY YARD GOT MORE TALENT & CREATIVITY THEN YOUR WHOLE FUCKIN INBREED FAMILY FUCKIN YOUR SISTER & MOMA DO SO YOU CAN CONTINUE TO STEAL FROM US SMART PEOPLE FROM THE GREAT USA ................GO THE FUCK BACK TO YOUR COUNTRY YOU FAG DICK IN THE ASS STUPID FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
All ONE that takes skill. He only brings up inbreeding, after being called a cousin fucker.
And here is his profile! Check out the state he's from, whoa, what a surprise!
And my friend who was the target of this cousin fucker wanted to reply by saying this: "I bet your pops wished he could of pulled out of your mom and shot you on the wall..." But being inbred, and stupid, this person just blocked him after saying all that. Becuase well, we allo know..deep down inside, he's a pussy and he would never dream of ever saying that to someone in their face. Do you konw any douchebags?!!? PUt them in my comment section!!!