Ah hello, hello. My name is Danielle K. Harding. I'm happily married for an official year now:) My husband and I have defeated many many odds together but it's worth it when that year mark hits and you know that everything will be okay. We're are both Security Forces in the U.S. Air Force stationed in good old Montana as of right now. At any point in time that is subject to change with the world today anything is possible. I was in college for about a good year or so before I joined and that was quite an experience, I had a lot of fun!! It sucks though to grow older due to responsibility and as my parents would put it really fending for yourself. Sometimes it can get very lonely being here, away from fabulous friends and family, both Uriah and I can testify to that but you always manage to get through it in some way or another:) On the flip side it is now summer and a very beautiful one at that. If there is anything anyone would like to know about me just ask;)