A Good Survey, NOT the over used questions, you wil tell ur life story in this great for myspace!!!!
Name?: Shana marie
Wish your name was?: I like my name
Age?: 17
Wish your age?: I like my age too
What color hair do you have?: Blonde
What color hair do you want?: Blonde
what color eyes do you have?: Blue
what color do you want?: Blue
I fyou could change one thing about your body what would it be?: To be smaller
If you could change one thing about yourself mentally what would it be?: Stronger
If you could have one super power what would it be?: To go invisible
If you could live one fairy tale which one would it be?: None
Who would you sacrafice your life for?: There are a few people
Who do you love the most?: My family..my best friends..and Kyle
Is the saying true blood is thicker than water?: Some times
If you could be with one person in the world who would it be?: Who I am with now
If you could bring one person back who would it be?: I dont know
If you could wish one person out of your life who would it be?: Nobody
Who do you hate the most?: I dont really hate anyone
Love the most?: I answered that already
Miss the most?: No one
Have the most fun with?: Kyle. Sarah, Rina, Nikki
Would spend your life with?: Kyle
Would spend your life without?: Dont know
Who have you know the longest?: Sarah and Nikki
Who is most like you?: Sarah or Kyle
Who is your opposite?: Me and Nikki are pretty different i guess
Who looks most like you?: Sarah
What celeberty would you want to be if any?: I like my life
What celeberty do you look most like?: None
Are you high matnance?: Nope
what is more important looks or personality honesty?: Both..I'm not going to lie
Is honesty always the best policy?: Not always
How many people have you dated this year?: One
How many people have you asked out this year?: None
How many people have you turned down this year?: None
If you had only one friend who would it be?: I love all my friends
If you could eat anything right now what would it be?: Pickles
Do you love your friends or family more?: The same
What is your favorite band?: He Is Legend
What is your favorite song?: I dont know
What sterotype are you ?: Sometimes a dumb blonde
What sterotype would you like to be?: That was stupid
Did you ever cut yourself purposely?: nope
Did you ever cry to get out anger?: yes
Did you ever cry over a boy/girl?: yes
Are you a virgin?: no
Do you have a boyfriend?: yes
How long would you want to keep your virginity?: as long as i did
If you lost it already do you regret it?: no
If you could change one point in your life would you?: nothing
What religion are you?: Christian
How do you feel today?: Great
If you could be anywhere right now where would it be?: Kyle's house
If you had to be one of your friends sisters/brothers who would you pick?: yes
What is your favorite candy?: Sourpatch Kids
What is your favorite kind of guy/girl .... sterotype?: Not sure
How long do you like your relatioships to last?: A loooong time
How tall would you like your boyfriend/girlfriend?: 5'9
about how much would you like them to be, toothpick,skinny,average,bigger?: Average
How did your last relationshp end?: Badly
Do you miss it?: Nope
Were your ever really in love?: I am now
whats the last thing you would say to one person b/4 dieing?: It depends who it was
If you were in love would you get married before college?: Engaged
Do you have more guy friends or girl friends?: About the same
If you could be at any point in your life what would it be?: Graduating high school
If you had to pick a way to die how would it be?: old
Do you like yourself?: at times
What do you wish to become someday?: a nurse
Do you trust people easily?: sometimes
How important is school to you?: pretty important
What song are you listening to right now?: Dead Poetic
If you could talk to anyone now who would it be?: My brother
Delivery is at the door at your house who is it from ?: Good question
what is your perfect date like?: just hanging out
if you could completely change who you are would you?: nope
would you be friends with yourself?: probably not
Do you talk to people often?: my friends
Are your romantic?: lol not really
Do you talk bout your dreams?: sometimes
Do you dream often?: yes
Do you ever pray?: yes
Did you ever cheat on your boyfriend/girlfriend?: no
How many hours do you spend on myspace?: not too much
What is the layout?: Black and Purple
What is the song?: Redneck by Lamb of God
Do you know everybody on your myspace friends?: pretty much
Do you like everybody on your myspace friends?: no
Do you like who you are becoming?: yes
What is the most important thing in your life?: I dont know
what would you never change about yourself?: I like my eyes i guess
When was the last time you cried?: a few days ago
Do you think the guy should always pay?: No
What is your favorite movie?: Interview with the Vampire
What movie sucked the most?: There are a bunch
Who is your favorite actress?: I dont have one
Who is your favorite actor?: I dont have one
If you could change one thing in our world what would it be?: There are too many things to put in here
Do you have any bad habits?: Yes
Do you think your fat?: Sometimes
Are you overweight?: No
What was the last thing you ate?: Ritz Crackers
What is better mcdonalds/burgerking?: McDonalds
Would you date Ron off of harry potter? /guy,hermoinie off harry potter?: No
Woud you date a guy/girl with freckels?: I am now
if you could star in one movie what would it be?: I dont know
Who do you want to be like?: No one
what word best describes yourself?: weird
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.:.He is Legend
.:.A Perfect Circle
.:.Dead Poetic
.:.Demon Hunter
.:.Between the Buried and Me
.:.Smashing Pumpkins
.:.Eve 6
.:.Third Eye Blind
.:.A Fire Inside
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