About Me
Most days I feel like a very lucky woman. I have a job I really love. I have great friends I totally trust. And I have a sweet, funny, irrepressible daughter who keeps me on my toes (and, yes, occasionally brings me to my knees). It's a full life, to be sure, and one that I am grateful for every day...but that doesn't keep me from wanting more.Sometimes the hardest part of getting what you want is knowing what you want. I could use a lesson in listening to my inner voice, it usually has a pretty good idea of what I need, if only I would slow down enough to hear it.
have an overwhelming desire for motorcycles!! I love to go riding so much that I have decided to get my license and then get a bike within a year. This way I can ride whenever I want and not have to wait on someone to take me.
have an everyday desire to be a better mother. I know that I do the best that I can and have done an awesome job of raising my daughter by myself for the last ten years. Doing it on your own whether you are the mother or the father makes you very strong person.
have the best sister that anyone could ask for. She can be a pain in the ass sometimes but she's the only one I have so I guess I'm stuck with her...HAHAHA!!! Oh yeah, she's pretty darn smart too, just graduated from Wilmington College this Spring with a Bachelors Degree in Chemistry and is now working at Proctor & Gamble. Hmmm, wonder when she's going to buy me something good with all the big bucks she's making?!?!?
y friends, what can I say about my friends....I know that my life would not be complete without them. I have had the same three amazing, wonderful best friends for the last 14 years and without them my life wouldn't be where it is today. Pam is the glue of the group, she is the one that brought us together. Between her and Mardi they have made me into the woman that I am now, hell they practically raised me, I am the baby of the group. Kim is our rocker chick still to this day, having fun with the young guy in the rock band!! And Mardi, she is just the bestest. We have become very close in the last five years. She spoils me rotten, lets me cry on her shoulder when I'm hurting, goes to the crazy motorcycle rallys with me, we are basically inseperable and I would truly be lost with out her.
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Waste your time with
friends....live for the moment,
laugh often, be immature,
do anything and everything.
If it's something you'll regret in the morning,
sleep late and when you wake up,
laugh about it with your friends,
because your friends are what matter most.
When you have friends....you have everything!!!! whateverlife was here wl28
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