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TRaVeLing, ReaDing, Goin' OuT To PaRties, CluBbiN' And JusT aBout AnyThing...
Any OnE WhO Is SeRioUS & ReSpOnSible YoU WaNts LiKes AdVenTURe ^ TrAVeLIng, BuT OPen To FRieNds...
<img style="border:0px;"
a' la Flexibilite': TeChnO, AlTeRnaTive, ROCk, LaTin, FoReIgN, RaP, R&B: AnyThIng OUT There...
Todo Sobre Mi Madre (All about my mother),Mar Adentro, Blue & Blanche, Jamon Jamon, and Dirty Dance as well as most foreign movies.
I don't watch Tele!
The Bible (Nice Piece of Literature), Las Mil y una Noche, El Amigo Manso, Madame Bouvari!!
Beacoup des personnes mais: ma pere ^ ma mere!