SiNg K++, tRavElliNg, cULturaL eXchAnge, oNliNe, chAttiNg, nOveL.,cLuBBing(someTimes lar)....tOO muCh..hOw to fiNish here Ler...haha
aiYo...any peOple i will aCcept ge LaR...buT i reAlly need tRue frienDs lar..beCause friEnds caN consiDer my tHird liFe as wEll...eRm..MuSic is my sEcond Life..haha..maYB i cAnt stAnd lOnely guA..iF i diN keeP in tOuch oR coMMunicatE with hUmaN bEings in 24 hoUrs...its rEally a biG deAl, no matteR u R tAll, sHort,fAt, tHin,anY nAtionality,any pErsonaLity, leNg cHai, leNg lui or NOT & remembEr dat u r aLways wElcoMe......!! **/ mata ne!!henJi o materu yo........
dEpend ON my MOOd aCtually..but thekOreAn sONG(KISS..)++i love this MOST~~esPecially the MTV...,then is THE dRama tHeme sOng,jApanEse sOng++ hiP-Top,..bUT nOw daMn LiKe "wHeRe's tHe lOve"tHis sOng .. and "She will Be loVed" and LEE HOM "foREVER loVE" these sonG lol....hehe (^.^)
mOulin rOuge, sHakespeArE In LoVe,tHe PhoNe,tHe sHutter......n thoSE RoMANcE mOViE insTead of HorriBle mOvie..becOz..mayB pepLe will sCared by ME and not The Movie..ahha...its KINDA trUE..becoz this is ME...haha
aMeriCan iDol, mAlAysiA iDol, Meet My fOlKs..mR.bEan, staiRway to the HEAVEN, PariS Lover, sUmmeR sCent, mY lOve pAtzzi,kaMisaMa mO icHido jIkan kuRe,LoVe 2000, tO Heart.........suRE TVB show is INclude lar..
There is TOO mUCH~~
SOMEbODY that always LIVE in my HEART!!