Add to My Profile | More VideosThe Daydreamers Show- It's a show about a small universe of 20-somethings who came to Hollywood to "make it" in some sort of way. But the harder they try, the harder it gets. Well, they'll figure it out. But one thing's for sure- The Daydreamers has personality. And that's what counts right? Here's our first webisode:..
Get this video and more at MySpace.comHere's a clip from a political special I produced and hosted. LATV presents: Decision 08. On the panel is rapper Malverde, MSNBC contributor Maria Teresa Peterson, and Carlos Arias.The show (and me) got a great write up in the L.A. Times:Check out Humberto's highlight reel from over two years on Mun2. It has something for everybody, celebs, freaks, Humby being an idiot.Humby's Celebrity Reel
Add to My Profile | More Videos       Because you demanded it, here's some more fun stuff for you guys while we finish editing episode 2 of Daydreamers (what you thought this shit was easy?!) Here's Mock Blind Date episode I wrote and produced for Mun2 last Valentines Day. When it aired, we never told people it was faked. And for those of you who know me, yes that's Luis playing the role of the sleazy dick (what a stretch) and my sis Nicole playing a bitch (another stretch). Enjoy...
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Humberto Guida / The Daydreamers get their own live sketch comedy show Friday March 20th
Here's a flyer to my live sketch comedy show, The Daydreamers, presented by the LA Comedy Festival, Friday, March 20th. There will be racist humor, stupid songs, performers you'll end up fantasizing about sexually, and some stand up by the coolest comedians in town. Check out the flyer!The Daydreamers created by Humberto Guida