Living Impaired is a recording project that I (Tim Burke of Retribution ) have created and so far, all the writing and playing of the music has been done by me. The recordings are done by Aaron and Slientone studios. Three songs are in the process of being recorded right now, and a couple more are being written, so the next time we set up the drum mics we'll slap those tracks down as well.
Heres the equipment I use.
Fender Stratocaster & a Taylor 25th Anniversary
Pearl birch wood, 6 ply - 10" 12" 13" 16" 22" 22." 13"x3" maple picolo snare, 14"x8" brass snare (pictured) Sabian, Zildjian, Wuhan cymbals. Evans G2 batter heads, resonant black font heads, Emad batter for bass, Axis pedals w/ Gibraltar wooden beaters.