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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Hi! so i write this description on english just for to make sure almost all of my contacts can understand it (who doesn't understand, must learn english!)
Well, my name is Michelle, such as many friends of mine know, my pseudonym is Juna (please don't question me why, i'm tired to tell why i auto-named me like that), also you will find in some webpages and profiles named as nymphslave. Rightnow i'm living in south of the country, I mooved here cause i'm studying Music and preparing to be a Choral Director, and hoping to study later in France, a dream i hope will come true.
Since i was 13 years old i have been participating in music projects, such as "Kovers" that was a Nü-metal band in wich i was the lead singer, later when i was 15 i was the lead singer and one of the creators of Daidalos that actually is a Gothic Metal band with great success in Caracas. Actually rock life has gone to beyond, i've turned my head onto only vocal and classical music, such i'm on a Female Choral Named as "Escuela de Canto Coral Libertad" (Choral singin School Freedom) and it's my most important project and the one that i put most of my effort. Im a Soprano (Lyric light, a little confusing to me classificate voices in this moment...) and singing to me is my life and the first way to create and express what happen on my mind and soul.
In the second plane of my life, i'm a poet since i was 14 years old, and i'm still writing. I have a poetry book publishe calle "Caretas del Abismo", i warn all of you that it is not a loving traditional poetry, it has some of everything, to explain it you have to read it (it's on spanish, in that way it keeps the scent).
Also, in other plane of my life, ive maked some tryes on photography, but in that way i'm still a little baby. Still learning on that (not sayng i've stoped learning new things in music and poetry ok?)
And finally, if you see me on the street its easy to say i'm a normal person, cause i am! but just for me, i hope allways to be a better person, musician, thinker and an eternal spirit on the world, hope to be the memory and some days i dream just into make this world better, with words and with music.
(allways to be continue…)
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I'd like to meet:

Aanep, solo te veo en mis pensamientos, cuando podre verte...

Aanep, i only see you y my tohughts, when can i see you...

My Blog

Castillos inigualables dicen...(sin nombre; poema en prosa)

19/10/07- (¿? ¿?) (Recordando Abril) Castillos inigualables, dicen los que ignoran, ellos, presencia de mis horrores, son réplicas de que no levanto mi mirada hasta que volteas a la diana magenta, y t...
Posted by on Mon, 31 Mar 2008 09:00:00 GMT

La danza de la Prisionera (poema en prosa, de "Portales")

Y todo lo que no enlazaba se fundía&Para que dos constantes giraran alrededor de sí mismos. Cerré mi mano y fui atravesada por el dolor amenazante del metal. He sido obligada a ser esfera de energía;...
Posted by on Sun, 30 Mar 2008 21:12:00 GMT

poema I (sin nombre) de "Dédalo y sueño"

Los primeros trazos... respiro los remedios coloridos de un prólogo colmante en sensación Kronos, clave de un sonar gris, mi suelo se alza los dedos del verdugo suenan redundantes crece& Las ...
Posted by on Sun, 06 Jan 2008 09:31:00 GMT

sueño, dream (poetry)

Mamá es testigo cuando caí al suelo Y el techo gris mire sorprendida Al hablar con ella. 5 respuestas para 6 días, aunque Aanep no cuenta que ella necesita mi mitad Igual la di ojos cerrados. dos a...
Posted by on Fri, 07 Sep 2007 19:58:00 GMT

El responso del Burlador, De Ramón David León (obra teatral)

El responso del Burlador De Ramón David León (Publicada en la revista Elite, Caracas, 09-09-1933) Don Juan Tenorio, el célebre burlador, ha muerto, es decir, acaba de morir&Don Juan Tenorio muere con...
Posted by on Thu, 06 Sep 2007 20:29:00 GMT

Presencias (poema) de "Otoño"

Intentarás no ver las desventuras de mi ausencia.Soy gitana del otoño&amando las ondinascuando se transforman en el vientome llenan de ilusión,como cual decepción viera destellante. Ya más de dos mile...
Posted by on Wed, 05 Sep 2007 21:15:00 GMT

Voz del destierro (poema), de "Otoño"

Dificulto hablarles a todosno hago falta en su memoria.En cordialidades me detengo,ante nadie. No estoy para ver las virtudes del pretendo estar en ellasen mis 2500 años.Tetis cerró mi portal....
Posted by on Wed, 05 Sep 2007 21:12:00 GMT

Derrota proyectada (poema) de "Otoño"

Mis mejillas palidecenal no verme.Ni escuchar tu "verdad" Los tambores dejas sonar&Sólo para no escucharlas
Posted by on Wed, 05 Sep 2007 21:08:00 GMT

reflexión al pesimismo I (poema), de "Otoño"

Me duele, lejos de mi defensa, así estaré hasta mis despojos en doncellez,si se hace ver, no habrá más pero ¿que puedo hacer?Me origino de lo trillado
Posted by on Wed, 05 Sep 2007 21:02:00 GMT

Ascención al desgaste I (poema), de "Dedalo y Sueño"

Tengo opción a las rocas mohosasQue me caen encima por desgastar deseos Aun  me imagino muerta cerca tus hombros, luego del resbalo al escalónPor querer morderte el cuello Y suspiro.
Posted by on Wed, 05 Sep 2007 20:57:00 GMT