Hmm, well i like my Kierakins and spending time with the family. I enjoy reading magazines, watching a good movie, or hearing a great song! I used to be quite the little online gamer, but mommy-hood has hindered that for now! And I have taken a liking to traveling the US of A... it's amazing how different it is to get out of the little area we live in and see the big ole country! (Green Bay, here I come!!)
I scored a 97% on the "how levittown are you" Quizie! What about you?
I love the 90's alternative music... (channel 24 on the sirrus!! ROCKS!!) I really do though... I will take some old school DMB, Soundgarden, Pearl Jam, even Nirvana over some of the crap today. I used to be the anti-country gal, but scarily enough, one of them there 'Merican idols changed that! Damn cheating song!! =)And this chick who got me into so many good ole punk bands... Thanks!!
What Dave Matthews Band Song Are You (Results Contain Pictures)?
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Which My So-Called Life Character Are You? Find out @ She's Crafty
Orc Hunter
Orcs are among the scarier of races in Warcraft. They're badass and violent, and you can spot 'em from a mile off from their greenish skin. As an orc, you probably get into lots of trouble - but sort it out with lots of pummeling.
As a hunter, you prefer to be on the sidelines. You would rather see all angles of a situation - probably to find the best position to shoot from. You like animals, but mostly because they (might) do your bidding.
Find out your real-life WoW race and class at
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What Is Your Movie Kiss?
Star Wars Episode II Attack of the Clones
Your movie kiss is Star Wars Episode II Attack of the Clones!
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!Take the quiz:
Which rock chick are you? (girls only plz, pictures!)
Amy Lee
You're young, you're pretty, and you've got an amazing voice. lots of people hate you for who you are, but they're just a lot of fuckers :) Your're very imaginitve and love designing clothes. You may not seem it sometimes, but your very close to your family. and you love halloween, who doesn't??
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
Ohhhh... I love a good action movie!The departed was pretty kick-ass, minus the cheesy ending! I like the psychological ones too, too many to list honestly!I also love good ole 80's movies (anythign John Hughes) and the 90's paradies of them!My all time favortie movies: Sliding doors, Heathers, Pretty Woman, & Dirty Dancing!
You are Wonder Woman
Wonder Woman
The Flash
Green Lantern
Iron Man
You are a beautiful princess
with great strength of character.
Click here to take the "Which Superhero are you?" quiz...
Hmm, a buffy gal til the end, but lately, House and Grey's have totally been my pleasure! Also, between the dancing shows and America's talent, I have enough to keep me occupied! And when Kiera steals the remote, it's all about them Backyardigans!
Who's your male Buffy soul mate?
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I'm all about a good book. Lately, it has been "what to expect: the infant years" or the Jenny McCarthy "belly Laughs", which if you never read and your a mommy (or not one) read, they are kickass funny!!
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