Literature, politics, classic films, blues, rock, writing, my wife and kids.
Grateful Dead, Allman Brothers, Howlin' Wolf, Tom Waits, Warren Zevon (I expect you're getting the idea that my criteria includes that either the artist or at least some members of the group must be dead)
Marx Brothers, Bogart, Harvey, Seven Samurai, Kevin Smith, Truffaut, Animal House, Boondock Saints, Chaplain's "City Lights" Kind of tough to pin down.
Doesn't matter...anything I like is destined to be cancelled.
Modern non-fiction, Woodward, Hunter Thompson, Tom Wolfe, Kerouac, Hemingway, Dumas, Nick Hornby, Salinger, PJ O'Rourke, Kesey, Twain, O. Henry, various '40's pulp fiction.
Still searching.