About Me
Formed in summer 1998 by ex-members of HC / Metal-Band VEIL.
At that time, we were all a lot into bands emerging from the punk / HC - scene and mixing up their background with more melodic, poppy elements such as Farside, Texas is the Reason, Seaweed, Quicksand, Jawbreaker or Dag Nasty. With the birth of BYRON, we contributed to the music that gave us so much back in that time.
After several demos, a split 7" with Sometree and other bands, we released our debut album in early 2002. Soon after that, we reached what could be considered as the "climax" of BYRON's existence, when we played a three-week european tour with the really fantastic NYC-based band JOSHUA. We've had so much fun with them and with everybody we've met there. A few weeks later, our DIY-video clip for "24 hours a day" had some considerable airplay in German music television and BYRON was ready to take the next step.
But a few months, shows and written songs later, many of the members felt burnt out and somehow fed up with the music they were playing. With the individual musical interests moving futher and further apart, it was just a question of time for the band to break up. In early 2003, BYRON finally left the buildung.
A few months later, some of the BYRONS joint forces again and started working at a new musical project. With the musical focus moving more and more towars dance- and club-oriented music (without forgetting where we came from), SITUATION LECLERQ was born in summer 2003. Check their website or MYSPACE-page for infos and songs.
BYRON's drummer is currently playing in a german punk-rock band called IDEAL STANDARD, while JOSÉ, the singer, grabbed himself a guitar and teamed up with some buddies to form THEY WANT A FLUGHAFEN, a (post-)punk band...In the nineties, we were all more or less part of a well-working network of bands, clubs, fanzines, record labels and dealers - we've met so many nice people along our way. We played shows in countries all over europe and really enjoyed ourselves as well as the rest of the scene sorrounding us.Maybe we will meet some of those people again here in the digital world. We..d be pleased to meet some of you among our new MYSPACE-friends.