Family,Art,Music,Animals, Friends, drinkin. Working to take care of my babies(reptiles)and taking my pug for a walk. .... .... i lv pugs!!!!! . . . **&*CMy other half.The baby.Don Pancho i sus muchachas. :DYummy... **CRAZY TRACY :) My cousins and nephew lil Alfie.
Artists, musicians, animal lovers and passionate hearts...****
To many to name.......
Nightmare before Christmas , Corpse Bride Ninja Scroll,The Crow, Trainspotting,all Batman movies, Edward ScizzorHands, Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind,Interview w/the Vampire,Labrynth, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Underworld,Pulp Fiction,Half Baked,etc.
Cartoons,I love Lucy and the Discovery Channel
Egar Allan Poe and Anne Rice
My mother and father.