About Me
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My name is David Christopher Byers (call me Chris, or Byers, DC,or dcb... prob not David unless your a doctor, judge, or bill collecter). I am 22 years old, born and raised in northern Illinois (suburban chicago til 2nd grade, and then moved out to the boonies of Shabbona/Waterman til junior yr of HS, and then moved to lovely(sarcasm) Sycamore) I recently fled my hometown(s) to live somewhere that doesn't feel so police-stateish and moved to the wonderful (and awesome) town of Gunnison, Colorado. I've been living here for a few months (with a visit home) and have pretty much just been working on building my (y/our) other page, and website ( WorldUnificationNetwork.org myspace.com/wunone ) and am very happy with the amount of positive response i've been getting from people all over the world. I feel like this idea, which i consider a gift from go(o)d (or God or mother earth/father time/allah/great spirit/ummm master of the universe/"the boss"/brahman/etc... you get the point (they're all the same(even so is the non-god of atheism (fyi i was atheist for my ENTIRE life until i discovered some powerful herbal and fungal sacraments which led me down the path i am on now(thanks!))) is finally taking off, and people are beginning to realize that Unity, Brotherhood, and Love are as much purpose as we need when we can discover their power with our logical minds, and don't need to resort to separatism and hate to justify our beliefs. Beliefs, which are really just distortions of the same thing throughout time (why would a real god set these events in motion if it wasn't to bring people to an altogether new and powerful realization during the most turbulent times in our earth's history) All I say, is to love your fellow brother and sister regardless of how they have chosen to live their life, and regardless of which path they have taken to their own spirituality (or lack-there-of) if their path has taken them to hate, ignorance, and greed, all we can do is continue to show them how unconditional love is, like the beatles said (beautifully) All YOU NEED! (oh and also to strip them of their wrongfully begotten power) In my opinion the world is a crazy place to grow up in and whether you believe in purpose or chaos you can and should relate to the most powerful forces in the universe, love and light, afterall, we are completely and utterly out of control of our own universe (in reality), and should be thankful that we happen to be on the one rock in the universe that we know supports life, and also are members of the most evolved intelligent species on it, AND we should be thankful that we've been given this great opportunity in our lifetimes to be apart of the biggest changes the world has ever experienced, and that we can be a part in changing the direction from a competitive atmosphere, where we are more concerned about providing for ourselves (thanks to the almighty dollar), to a more cooperative atmosphere, one where we realize that as humanity, we can do so much more working together, to make the world a better happier place to live in. And with the horrible consequences that face us if we don't wake up, we need to realize too, that this is THE TIME and THE PLACE to act, to stand up, to change. It is possible, modern technology and the genius of human potential have made the dream of directly democratic governance of the people by the people a reality, no longer do we need to give up our freedoms for the feeling of safety (or is it fear) that we get from the bureaucracy and bullshit that we've got right now! I want to work together, I want to make this happen, I want you to be a part of it. I really feel that this is just as important as I am saying it is, and as i'm sitting, completely broke on the floor of the apartment i haven't and can't pay for, I hope you realize too, that this isn't a joke, it's the real deal, and we're living it Right NOW (I'm loving it, are you?)...