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merry-go-round's the metaphor

My Interests


chopin waltzies, the rach 3, mindful brahms (variations on haydn), gabriela montero's adaptions of bach, vengaboys 'the platinum album' hmm so#1 Q: is the instrument to be transcended?also maybe: house music like luke fair's new release on the 'balance' series, and anything by deep dish. emerson lake and palmer, uakti, aphex twin (SAW I and II), raekwon...and tori amos.


'children of men' (2007), 'soylent green' (1977), the 'qatsi' trilogy (1981-2002)


anytime i feel like watching TV, i just grab a book. try that shit sometime. but as for shows of old...i like old school 'simpsons' episodes (like the one where homer goes into space), 'family guy' and 'american dad', i like 'garfield and friends', 'MST 3000', 'cops', 'hot pursuit' and the 'world's wildest police videos' series, and...i used to like music videos, but they all suck now.


two ancient histories and one modern history of the ancients: respectively, thucydides, tacitus, and gibbon's 'decline and fall of the roman empire.' you're looking at about 430 b.c. for mr. thucydides, the first hundred years of the millenium with tacitus, and for gibbon, well, i'm at 500 annus domini and counting. the strangest part is shifting between gibbon and tacitus, who are talking about the same place but who have very different time-frames on their hands: only about a century of rome at its height for tacitus, 1,500 years for gibbon. and 'meanwhile', in the war that brings down a rather formidable town called athens shit is already flying off the handle - and, let us not forget, all this happens not without vibrant acts of heroism being performed, babies delivered; a plague befalls the city, the worst all hellas has ever known... the moon waxes and wanes, and it's not a stretch to say that on a certain scale human societies mimic the inborn formalism of the universe, now getting busy, now going crazy. also - maybe: plato the 'protagoras', hegel 'philosophy of history', nietszche 'joyful wisdom'.


selma djezhkova and bess mcneill.