Shotokan Karate, Playing Music, Bidness stuff (finance, etc), Volleyball, Woodwork, Biking, Cooking, Wrestling, Good stuff like that, etc.
A sumptious deli sandwich with a fine kosher pickle that's ever so sweet (just a touch 'cause I like m' pickles on the salty side), crunchy and mild on the side.
Anything Traditional. (Well, that's not entirely true, anything Doc Watson is good in my book, no matter if it's trad. or not)
Old Time,
Traditional Japanese (Minyo, Nagauta, Shigin, Tsugaru [ok, semi-trad] etc)
Tuvan Throat Singing
Other Favorites: Bluegrass, Traditional Chinese, Greek, Arabic, Celtic, Russian, Okinawan, Turkish, Blues, Calypso (when I feel goofy)
Frank Herbert's Dune, Children of Dune, Kidnapped, Smiley's People, Tinker Tailor Soldier Sailor, Fawlty Towers. etc
Seinfeld, Daily Show and Colbert Report 'n David Letterman, Survivor.
Bluegrass 'n Stuff, Dune series, Rich Dad/Poor Dad series, The Dig, etc
Why, who else than Big 'K'?