i'd like to meet..fuckers most especially gurl hu luvs to fuck..likes dick stuffs and enjoi to be with..know to cooperate and has a pleasing seductive outfit...()..id like o meet fuckers of this world.i want to know them all and fuck their ass..(no malice)..
rock metal, death metal, emo punk, reggae, indie, hardcore, black metal, ska , grindcOre (Af!, NOFX, the uSeD, thUrsDay, blAck Flag, PoisOn the WeLL, Less thAn JakE, AtreyU, AtaR!s, ExploiTed, BANE, PennywiSe, TransPlants, MXPX, KessO, GreYhaunDz, Ch!co Sc!, Cosa NostRa, G-SpOt, f!nch, gLassjAw, EarshOt, CirCle Jerks, MustArd PluG, CKY, StroKes, RanciD, HopEsfaLL, Brand New, Tsunami BomB, Death By SteReO, Dead KenneDys, Unseen, Bad ReliGiOn, QueeRs, GermS, TSOL, SomethIng CorpoRate, mIsfits, iLL nino, Adema, Alkaline triO, Atomic kitteN, Beastie BoyS, blOndie, deftOnes, ChimAira, Soulfly, SlipkNot, hatebreed, tOOl, disPanCh, dOpe, Down, P.O.D, mudvAyne, drift, DrOpbOx, MEST, AtreyU, LamB Of gOd, rOtatinG, BlEEding thrOugh, LacunA cOil, EverytiMe i DiE, UneartH, GodForbid, OteP, Devil DriVer, MagnA-Fi, ThrOwdOwn, DarkeSt Hour, SupErjOint ritUal, ShadOws FaLL, MarilyN MansOn, CradLe oF filTh, vOivOd, ChevELLe, MemEntO, EndO, mOtoGraTer, NothiNgfaCE, hOtwirE, TwisTedMethOd, SwOrn EneMy, VillAge of thE DamN, DepSwa, KillSwitCh EngaGe, DuTsuNs, GraDe 8, UnLocO, TherEvOlutiOnSmiLe.)...PeaCe Out... ...m/...m/.
------------ill nino------------
------------ill nino------------
------------my ruin------------
"jOngâ„¢ rOcks!!..m/-_-..m/"