American Trash: Art Lifestyle by Eric Fallecker profile picture

American Trash: Art Lifestyle by Eric Fallecker

All Things Art with beauty fringed around each corner of the darkest places.

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* Art Inspired Lifestyle *

Well here it is finally up and running American Trash Art Lifestyle.

Hi my name is Eric Fallecker. I would not call myself an "artist", I feel that what I do anyone can do, the only difference is that I take the time out of life to notice beatiful things all around me and I put the picture with words.
Art is like a good song, the moment you see it and you let it take form inside of your eyes it gives you the chills. Im 21 I live in L.A. and I enjoy my life. If your into art and the kind that I do please leave a comment and let me know what you think. Go up to the "View Artwork" tab and check some stuff out, If you would like to order a print let me know. Also If you would like a photo done to your taste let me know, we can set something up.
I know most of my art is about love and relationships but take time to relize im not making it to say what I have been through. When I create these pictures I do it with whatever I feel at the moment and what most people relate to. Yes I am a hopeless Romantic, but I dont respect people who judge me off of what I do, If you dont know me dont make assumptions about me. If you dont like my work keep it to yourself and go lurk somewhere else. No im not looking for a girlfriend either so please dont bother me with any "omg your soo intresting" lingo I dont care to meet anyone that has any intrest in me other than my artwork. Also I would like to thank, Ramsey, Brian, Derek, Jennylee, Aushrielle, Desiree and Kaylee for letting me use them in some of the pictures:
Cheers -Eric Fallecker
The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn, like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars -------------Jack Kerouac
Featured Artist
Photographer and photo manipulation artist
Kedralynn - Amber Wright
The Asian Blossom

She has an amazing sense of color and composition, She started photograpghy in march of 03 and has been in love with it since then. She has a skill that is hard to pick up in 3 years and she knows how to use it. You can find more of her work here, you can also purchase her prints there. -Eric
If you would like to have your work featured send me some samples or a message with a link to your site. Send all to [email protected]......
Thank You,Eric Fallecker
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