Kathleen profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

my new about me: working full time as ophthalmology nurse at penn animal hospital. helping the aminals (what i called animals as a child) with the sick eyes. i like it, i wanted to be an eye doctor as a kid, had crossed eyes, eye surgery at the age of 4, and wore glasses forever. i think somehow this may be right for me...(plus the animals are not in critical condition = not dying = less sadness to deal with)presently trying to stay awake, could sleep forever. fighting off this inner ear thing which makes me dizzy, feeling old and really ugly. still not the most happy soul alive, but happy to have a job and that things are okay.if obama does not win, i may not be able to deal with things for a long time....just warning everyone. i am really scared about the state of the world. seriously.my former about me: just finished three years of college (made the deans list, thanks!) to become a veterinary nurse, am working at a cat only vet office..so my thing! i guess stuff is looking up! (things pretty much blew for a real long time...)i love my chihuahua, "penny jane", have four cats (one is my sisters) living with me. looking forward to doing things i love, like; painting, guitar, cross-stitching... i want to learn how to knit, do yoga and pilates regularly, bike ride, thrift shop, volunteer at spay/neuter clinics, save some more stray cats, on a mission to lose weight and get really in shape...NOW, on a more important level, praying the democrats win, war ends, the world gets greener, and everyone i love is happy and healthy.http://s190.photobucket.com/albums/z94/theemeister/M yspace Backgrounds

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

kind souls only

My Blog

jeff buckley music overlapping = lovely

so if u go to my page, my pages’ song starts playing...the studio version of halleluieh, (jeff buckleys version) but a few seconds later, the video i have up of his live version starts, and ya h...
Posted by on Sat, 29 Mar 2008 20:22:00 GMT