♥ Li.So ♥ profile picture

♥ Li.So ♥


About Me

nAmE: liNdA*(oUm)* oR mZ.pAuL wAlkEr =) sTatUs: sPokEn fOr bY miSteR a-tOwN(3yEarS sTroNg) kIdZ: sAyJiN (mY liL baD aSs) hoBbiEs: foR tHosE whO kNo mE oF coUrSe iT's gAmBeLinG...DuH anD alSo haNgiNg wiTh dA faMilY=) ..faVoRiTe dRiNk: pePsi fAvOriTe coLoR: aNytHinG dAt iS cUtE oN a PurSe qUoTe: "haVinG a FakE fRieNd iS woRst tHen haVinG a faKe pUrSe...."hehehee =)iM suCh a doRk....

My Interests

my godson donney

I'd like to meet:

my godson Thaileeq " DoOneY " i cant wait to meet you!i can't wait to take u out for ur first real piece of cheesecake....lolz


January 15,2007... it was the sadest day of my life....i've just lost one of the most important person and it is so hard to pretend or acted like it don't bother me but my heart is so weak right now....I LOVE YOU so much and so does the rest of the family. i wish you could of had the chance to see my son grow up to be a good MAN just like you. words can't even begin to express how empty i feel right now. i just wish i can hug you and tell you how much you mean to me....i have shared so many memories with you and i still think i need more. i remember when i was a little girl, you use to take me and my sisters fishing with you. and i remember stepping on your back when you complained that your back was hurting...i miss you so much and it is so hard for grandma right now and i feel so bad because i don't know what to say to her...it just hurts....im glad that you're not in pain anymore...and i know you will still be looking over us, but i just need some time to be strong for the family...i know it sounds like im selfish but i have to be right now....i just wish i can still run to you whenever im sick because you always know what to do...i love you so much and i miss you so much...i just have to realize that you're still living through all of us and i couldn't have asked for a more perfect and loving grandfather....the days ahead for me will be the worst because knowing i have to say my final goodbyes to you is killing me inside...i can't even think about your smile without making me cry.i LOVE you so much and it's the worst feeling in the world right now. i know you don't want us to be sad, but it is so hard.i just want you to know you made such an impact in my life and there is no way i can ever repay you! i'm just so grateful for your love and i know that i was truly blessed for having you in my life....rest in peace grandpa......you will always be remembered as my #1 hero....i love you!