shuhadah profile picture


'there is someon3, sumwH3r3..that im lookin' 4..'

About Me

shu_adda ~kecik,terlalu kecik, damn small, dun be surprise..but im not small at heart~keras hati~garang~suke tido..zzzzz~tak suke makan..hmmm..malas~suka apple pie, ice cream, maggi~lurve blackpaper chicken or beef~not into any japanese food..not yet maybe..if sumone important in my life lurve jap food..then maybe i'll try to like it..~suke berangan~kinda quiet lil gurl that hard 4 ppl to understand and even handle..just like to do things on my way~not into any commitment thingy coz it sux..i do like sumone..but he's out of my reach..too good for me ..maybe~tak reti main bowling, jgn ajak aku main bowling!!! tapi skali skala ok gaks ek!~suka tgk movie, jom!!!~suka jln2~like pink color~think pInk~suka tgk citer jepun~susah nak caya ckp org~im blurrrr..?!?..;) hehehe -- more

My Interests

music, chAt, tidO, takuyA kiMura, hiD3aki TakizAwA,wOn Bin, juStin timb3rLake, YusRy kRu, NiN3 Phyn3 BaLLerZ, 'him'..

I'd like to meet:

anyone la,yg boleh dibawa bergurau,open minded,charming,supportive,happy go lucky,merry go round,cheeky,cheery,funky,yg boleh jd kwn masa susah & senang, bkn masa senang jek..especially my old friends yg bnyk cam semut tapi dah ilang cam biskut..x-sk ampang,x-munshi,x-sakti,x- kmns n ukm


any music that makes me feels damn goOOod, r3Laxxx anD damn happYYyyy...especially laTin soul, hiphop, rap n pop..but practically anythin' that goes thru my eardrums..and being sent to my brain..i can accept it..


bring it on,pirates of th3 carrib3an,10 things i hate about u,how to lose a guy in 10 days,2 fast 2 furious,h3ro,beautiful lif3,MiSs cOng3niality, Fri3nds(wOn biN),LOTR..bnykla..


mmm..let me think...mmm..



My Blog

am i happy??

we deserve to be happy rite? u wanna be happy as well as me.. but sumtimes the feeling of loneliness still creep into my feelings eventhough im in a crowd of ppl y is that happen to me i tried ...
Posted by shuhadah on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST