God, church, Jamaica, missions trips, friends, art, music, reading, learning, science, forensic science, Crime Scene Investigation, flying, animals, SPCA
Jesus, The cast from CSI and X FILES. Jerry Bruckheimer, Michael Baden, TAPS members, Nicholas Sparks, Go Fish, President Bush, Abraham Lincoln, my future husband.
SWEEDISH HARDCORE POLKA!!!!! (TOTALLY THE BEST MUSIC IN ENTIRE WORLD!! LOL!) country, praise & worship, jazz, big band, classical, disney songs, showtunes, oldies, Go Fish, Reliant K, Simple Plan Dude Tunes (#2) This list will self-destruct in 5-4-3-2... via Webjay.. width="425" height="350" ..
Star Wars, War movies, comedies, romantic comedies, action, drama, disney, Napoleon Dynafreakingmite, musicals, chick flicks
CSI, X FILES, Numb3rs, Close to home, Vanished, LOST, Ghost Hunters, Lingo, The Price is Right, Chain Reatcion, MythBusters, a haunting, old nick toons, I love the 80's & 90's, and Psych.
Bible, CSI books, The Forensic Casebook, House, The Lord of the Rings, The Notebook, The Rescue, True Believer, Roots, Remains Silent, The Giver
Jesus and parentsLayout made by