Hello! My name is William Pansky, and I am a 23 year old graphic designer from Redwood City, Ca. I am currently living in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area in Texas and loving it! I am a freelance designer and always interested in new projects, as well as meeting all kinds of new people!
I am fluent in the entire Adobe Creative Design Suite CS4, as well as Final Cut Pro and Microsoft Office on both Microsoft Windows and Mac OSX operating systems. I am an enthusiastic person who enjoys conversation, intellectualism, and creativity! Feel free to message me, or comment me!
Please follow my blog on Tumblr.com , and williampansky.com is up and running with with my portfolio and resume for .pdf/.doc format download.
I am also an avid gamer. I grew up on the 2-seat pizzeria-style Pac-Man games, moving eventually into the realms of arcades and the Nintendo NES. I traversed my way through the generations with the Super Nintendo, Sega Genesis, Nintendo 64, Playstation and Playstation 2 - eventually landing myself with a Nintendo DSi, Xbox 360, and Playstation 3 consoles. I love games, and am a complete nerd!
Please feel free to add my Xbox Live gamertag (williampansky), or PSN Network tag (pantsme).
If you have any other questions, feel free to ask!