Miss*Country*Girl*Crystal*Lynn profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

Well lets see I am 20 years old I live in Fuquay Varina North Carolina Origionally from Mcdermott, Ohio. I like taking pictures and writting and I like to hang out with my friends and get drunk (When I am not working). I am trying to get a second Job right now so I can save my money up and get my own place. I live with my Uncle right now. I lost both of my parents when I was young my father died when I was 14 four months before I turned 15 and my mother when i was 15 a months before i turned 16. I have no parents and no grand parents I have have five uncles on my mothers side and 2 on my fathers side no aunts on either side (unless by marriage) I have a total of 7 brothers three of which are still alive, No sisters. I was born in Ohio and lived there for the first ten years of my life and for the past ten years I have been living in North Carolina, So Technically I am not a yankee or a redneck (I'M JUST COUNTRY)
MySpace Survey '06
BaSiC InFo
Name: Crystal
Birthdate: April 3, 1986
Birthplace: Portsmouth, Ohio
Current Location: Fuquay Varina
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Black with burgandy
Height: 5ft 1in
Weight: hmmm more to love
What's Your....
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Ethnicity: Me
Body Type: Lovable
Favorite Food: chicken salad
Favorite Drink: Dr Pepper Barries n Cream (or bottled water)
Baseball Team: Yankees
(when) Bedtime: Whenever I get off of work
Favorite Color(s): Blue Black and sometimes pink
Favorite Letter: C
Favorite Number: 3,1,7
Candy: Gum
Favorite Animal: Cat
Favorite Messenger: Aol
Screename: CrystalW9238(@Aol.com)
Favorite Store: Walmart
Most Missed Memory: My parents
Best Physical Feature: My eyes and my lips
Overused Phrase: Helllllllloooooooo
First Thought Waking Up: How many more hours till I got to go to work
Goal for this year: get a second job and a car
Weakness: Love
Fears: Being alone
Heritage: american, indian, black dutch And many more
Longest Relationship: 3 years
School's Name: Fuquay Varina High School, South Johnston High School, Mcdermott elementery,willow springs elementery, fuquay varina middle, four oaks middle
Favorite TV Show: The Simpsons
Have You Ever....
Drank: Alot
Smoked: Alot
Dyed Your Hair: Alot Blue , Blonde even blonder, Brown, Grey (It was pose to be ash brown) Auburn and now blakc and burgandy
Shoplifted: Yes of course
Tried To Do The Splits: once or twice
Tried To Do A Backbend: once or twice
Tried To Do A Cartwheel: used to do 25 in a row
Tried To Do A Handstand: yeah i tried
Tried To Act Perfect: But I am perfect in that phsyco fucked up sorta way
Get A Detention Of Any Kind From Not Doin Anything: no I always deserved it
Skinny Dipped: yes at kure beach
Had Sex: yeah alot
Kissed/Huged An Opposite Sex: yeah alot
Kissed/Huged The Same Sex As You: yes a couple of times
Been Dumped: yep and we are back together again
Done Drugs: lots of em
Had A Boyfriend/Girlfriend: couple of em
Ate Sushi: eeeewwww nnnnnnnnnooooooo
Loved Someone: yes sadly yes
In A Guy/Gurl....
Fav Eye Color: blue
Fav Hair Color: blonde or brown
Short or Long Hair: short hair
Height: taller than me
Weight: eeeehhh
Looks Or Personality: both
Love or Money: love
Hot Or Cute: cute will work for me
Drugs and/or Alcohol: dont matter as long as he aint to much on either one
Muscular or Really Skinny: Muscular
Sexy or Shmexy---- lmao!: I guess sexy unless someone can explain shnexy to me
Random...: yes I am
How Do You Want To Die?: in my sleep
What country do you want to Visit: Italy
Been to the Mall Lately: not in like two months
Do you like Thunderstorms: hell yes very arousing
Shower Daily: yes
Do you Sing: sometimes but smoking has hurt my singing voice
Want to go to College: i do but i prolly wont
Clothes: blue Jeans with a no sleeve north carolina shirt that says home sweet home North Carolina
Shoes: none
Make-Up: none
Hair Do: down and brushed
Phone: Boost Mobile
Phone Number: ask n you might get
Location: Fuquay Varina
Weather: rainy
Website(s): myspace.com
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a survey about everything (179 ?'s)
Basic: I am kinda
Name?: Crystal
Age?: 20
Race?: White
Hair Color?: Black
Height?: 5ft 1in
Do you wear glasses or contacts?: neither
Short or long hair?: long hair
Eye Colore?: blue
Do you have any birthmarks?: a small one
Where are they?: on my lower back
Shoe size?: 6 1/2
Shirt size?:
Whens your birthday?: april 3
Genre?: country, rock, punk, rap, r&b, oldies
Band?: alot
Singer?: alot
Song?: alot
Worst band?: some
Worst singer?: some
A genre of music you wish was gone?: Jazz and classical
A singer or band you wish would die?: none
Your definition in one word of how music makes you feel?: free
Hottest singer?: Eminem
This or That... Music
Brittany Spears or Christina Agulara: Christina Agulara
ICP or Korn: Korn
Korn or Slipknot: Korn
Slipknot or Chris Brown: Chris Brown
Twiztid or Nickleback: Nickleback
Trapt or All American Rejects: All American Rejects
3 doors down or 3 days grace: 3 doors down
Snoop dogg or Bow Wow: Bow wow
Sublime or The used: Sublime
Bob Marley or Alien Ant Farm: Bob Marley (No women no Cry)
Food?: Pizza
Soda: dr pepper
Candy?: gum
Juice?: apple
Chips?: munchies
Clothing Brand?: dont matter
Shoe Brand?: dont matter
Jewelry Acessory?: none really
Book?: dont matter
School Subject: math
Opposite Sex
What should their hair color be?: blond
Eye Color?: blue
Shoe Size?: 10 1/2
Their personal label?(punk, rock, ganster): Country
Do they treat you right?: yes
Do they have piercings?: yeah
Tattoos?: no
Own a cell phone?: yes
Trust worthy?: yes
How often will they call you?: hmmm dont know
Your Thoughts on....
piercings?: i got a couple i want more
tattoos?: gonna get on one of these days
smoking cigarettes?: i do it alot
smoking marijuana?: I quit but if you want to go ahead
drinking?: some what (i dont like rude drunks tho)
self mutilation?: Bad
personal labeling?: Stupid
cursing?: ehhh everyone does it every now and then
saying gods name in vain?: wrong
god?: i believe
religion?: what you believe is what you believe
10 friends
1.: Josh Elliott
2.: Heather Sabin
3.: Joey
4.: Ann King
5.: Lyn macdonlad
6.: Morgan Moore
7.: Joe Rodriquez
8.: Michael Rimby
9.: Dexter Douglas
10.: ME
9 favorite songs
1.: best i ever had
2.: photograph
3.: just like a pill
4.: right here
5.: close the god damn door
6.: some beach
7.: hips dont lie
8.: check on it
9.: californication
8 least favorite songs
7 things you can't live without
1.: cell phone
2.: money
3.: hair brush
4.: my notebook
5.: my camera
6.: water
7.: friends
6 favorite things to eat
1.: pizza
2.: chicken
3.: munchies
4.: star bites candied peanuts
5.: salads
6.: oranges
5 favorite celebs.
1.: bruce willis
2.: julia roberts
3.: julia styles
4.: tom wellimg
5.: chad michael murray
4 reasons you like being you
1.: i am short
2.: i have pretty eyes
3.: I am real
4.: there is no one like me
3 reasons you hate being you
1.: my life sucks
2.: i have been through to much
3.: i am to nice
2 of the best nights of your life
1.: when me and bryan started dating
2.: ummmm dont know
Your most favorite person in the world
1.: my mommy
night of your life?: when me n bryan stared dating
Friend?: Joshua Elliott
School Function?: uhhhhh
Music Video ever made?: eminems new one
TV show?: The Sipmsons
Movie?: drop dead fred
Top 10 movies you love
1.: Drop dead fred
2.: the sandlot
3.: Harry potter and the goblet of fire
4.: bevis and butthead do america
5.: scary movie
6.: not another teen movie
7.: the grudge
8.: the hills have eyes
9.: lilo and stich
10.: fat albert (hey Hey hey)
Do you own a...
dvd player?: yes
portable cd player?: yes
portable dvd player?: no
mp3 player?: no
photo album?: yes
calender?: yes
cell phone?: yes 2 of them
drawing book?: no
yearbook from last year?: yes
tv?: yes
Have you had sex before?: yes
Do you ever want to get married?: yes
Have children?: yes
Rather have a diamond ring or a good time?: dimond ring
How old will you be when you graduate high school, if you haven't yet?: i was pose to be 20 but i quit
Do you want to go to college?: i do but i wont
What do you want to do for a career?: be a photographer
Are you able to talk to your family about personal things?: no
Have you ever done drugs?: yes
Drank?: yes
Do you have any piercings?: my ears for now
Tattoos?: no not yet
Did you like this Survey?: it was ok
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I would like to meet my fathers side of the family I dont know much about the My grandmother Louella Calvin Daniels died when my father was young and I only got to meet my grandfather once at my fathers funeral he died the same day my mother did. My grandfathers name is Donald Daniels my father is Donald Calvin Daniels, My uncles are James (Jim) Daniels and Dave Daniels So hey if you think you could be related send me a message also I am interested in meeting people from Mcdermott and Lucasville Ohio, Hey you never know we could already know each other :)

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