Well lets see I am 20 years old I live in Fuquay Varina North Carolina Origionally from Mcdermott, Ohio. I like taking pictures and writting and I like to hang out with my friends and get drunk (When I am not working). I am trying to get a second Job right now so I can save my money up and get my own place. I live with my Uncle right now. I lost both of my parents when I was young my father died when I was 14 four months before I turned 15 and my mother when i was 15 a months before i turned 16. I have no parents and no grand parents I have have five uncles on my mothers side and 2 on my fathers side no aunts on either side (unless by marriage) I have a total of 7 brothers three of which are still alive, No sisters. I was born in Ohio and lived there for the first ten years of my life and for the past ten years I have been living in North Carolina, So Technically I am not a yankee or a redneck (I'M JUST COUNTRY)
MySpace Survey '06
BaSiC InFo
Name: Crystal
Birthdate: April 3, 1986
Birthplace: Portsmouth, Ohio
Current Location: Fuquay Varina
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Black with burgandy
Height: 5ft 1in
Weight: hmmm more to love
What's Your....
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Ethnicity: Me
Body Type: Lovable
Favorite Food: chicken salad
Favorite Drink: Dr Pepper Barries n Cream (or bottled water)
Baseball Team: Yankees
(when) Bedtime: Whenever I get off of work
Favorite Color(s): Blue Black and sometimes pink
Favorite Letter: C
Favorite Number: 3,1,7
Candy: Gum
Favorite Animal: Cat
Favorite Messenger: Aol
Screename: CrystalW9238(@Aol.com)
Favorite Store: Walmart
Most Missed Memory: My parents
Best Physical Feature: My eyes and my lips
Overused Phrase: Helllllllloooooooo
First Thought Waking Up: How many more hours till I got to go to work
Goal for this year: get a second job and a car
Weakness: Love
Fears: Being alone
Heritage: american, indian, black dutch And many more
Longest Relationship: 3 years
School's Name: Fuquay Varina High School, South Johnston High School, Mcdermott elementery,willow springs elementery, fuquay varina middle, four oaks middle
Favorite TV Show: The Simpsons
Have You Ever....
Drank: Alot
Smoked: Alot
Dyed Your Hair: Alot Blue , Blonde even blonder, Brown, Grey (It was pose to be ash brown) Auburn and now blakc and burgandy
Shoplifted: Yes of course
Tried To Do The Splits: once or twice
Tried To Do A Backbend: once or twice
Tried To Do A Cartwheel: used to do 25 in a row
Tried To Do A Handstand: yeah i tried
Tried To Act Perfect: But I am perfect in that phsyco fucked up sorta way
Get A Detention Of Any Kind From Not Doin Anything: no I always deserved it
Skinny Dipped: yes at kure beach
Had Sex: yeah alot
Kissed/Huged An Opposite Sex: yeah alot
Kissed/Huged The Same Sex As You: yes a couple of times
Been Dumped: yep and we are back together again
Done Drugs: lots of em
Had A Boyfriend/Girlfriend: couple of em
Ate Sushi: eeeewwww nnnnnnnnnooooooo
Loved Someone: yes sadly yes
In A Guy/Gurl....
Fav Eye Color: blue
Fav Hair Color: blonde or brown
Short or Long Hair: short hair
Height: taller than me
Weight: eeeehhh
Looks Or Personality: both
Love or Money: love
Hot Or Cute: cute will work for me
Drugs and/or Alcohol: dont matter as long as he aint to much on either one
Muscular or Really Skinny: Muscular
Sexy or Shmexy---- lmao!: I guess sexy unless someone can explain shnexy to me
Random...: yes I am
How Do You Want To Die?: in my sleep
What country do you want to Visit: Italy
Been to the Mall Lately: not in like two months
Do you like Thunderstorms: hell yes very arousing
Shower Daily: yes
Do you Sing: sometimes but smoking has hurt my singing voice
Want to go to College: i do but i prolly wont
Clothes: blue Jeans with a no sleeve north carolina shirt that says home sweet home North Carolina
Shoes: none
Make-Up: none
Hair Do: down and brushed
Phone: Boost Mobile
Phone Number: ask n you might get
Location: Fuquay Varina
Weather: rainy
Website(s): myspace.com
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You've been totally Bzoink*d
a survey about everything (179 ?'s)
Basic: I am kinda
Name?: Crystal
Age?: 20
Race?: White
Hair Color?: Black
Height?: 5ft 1in
Do you wear glasses or contacts?: neither
Short or long hair?: long hair
Eye Colore?: blue
Do you have any birthmarks?: a small one
Where are they?: on my lower back
Shoe size?: 6 1/2
Shirt size?:
Whens your birthday?: april 3
Genre?: country, rock, punk, rap, r&b, oldies
Band?: alot
Singer?: alot
Song?: alot
Worst band?: some
Worst singer?: some
A genre of music you wish was gone?: Jazz and classical
A singer or band you wish would die?: none
Your definition in one word of how music makes you feel?: free
Hottest singer?: Eminem
This or That... Music
Brittany Spears or Christina Agulara: Christina Agulara
ICP or Korn: Korn
Korn or Slipknot: Korn
Slipknot or Chris Brown: Chris Brown
Twiztid or Nickleback: Nickleback
Trapt or All American Rejects: All American Rejects
3 doors down or 3 days grace: 3 doors down
Snoop dogg or Bow Wow: Bow wow
Sublime or The used: Sublime
Bob Marley or Alien Ant Farm: Bob Marley (No women no Cry)
Food?: Pizza
Soda: dr pepper
Candy?: gum
Juice?: apple
Chips?: munchies
Clothing Brand?: dont matter
Shoe Brand?: dont matter
Jewelry Acessory?: none really
Book?: dont matter
School Subject: math
Opposite Sex
What should their hair color be?: blond
Eye Color?: blue
Shoe Size?: 10 1/2
Their personal label?(punk, rock, ganster): Country
Do they treat you right?: yes
Do they have piercings?: yeah
Tattoos?: no
Own a cell phone?: yes
Trust worthy?: yes
How often will they call you?: hmmm dont know
Your Thoughts on....
piercings?: i got a couple i want more
tattoos?: gonna get on one of these days
smoking cigarettes?: i do it alot
smoking marijuana?: I quit but if you want to go ahead
drinking?: some what (i dont like rude drunks tho)
self mutilation?: Bad
personal labeling?: Stupid
cursing?: ehhh everyone does it every now and then
saying gods name in vain?: wrong
god?: i believe
religion?: what you believe is what you believe
10 friends
1.: Josh Elliott
2.: Heather Sabin
3.: Joey
4.: Ann King
5.: Lyn macdonlad
6.: Morgan Moore
7.: Joe Rodriquez
8.: Michael Rimby
9.: Dexter Douglas
10.: ME
9 favorite songs
1.: best i ever had
2.: photograph
3.: just like a pill
4.: right here
5.: close the god damn door
6.: some beach
7.: hips dont lie
8.: check on it
9.: californication
8 least favorite songs
7 things you can't live without
1.: cell phone
2.: money
3.: hair brush
4.: my notebook
5.: my camera
6.: water
7.: friends
6 favorite things to eat
1.: pizza
2.: chicken
3.: munchies
4.: star bites candied peanuts
5.: salads
6.: oranges
5 favorite celebs.
1.: bruce willis
2.: julia roberts
3.: julia styles
4.: tom wellimg
5.: chad michael murray
4 reasons you like being you
1.: i am short
2.: i have pretty eyes
3.: I am real
4.: there is no one like me
3 reasons you hate being you
1.: my life sucks
2.: i have been through to much
3.: i am to nice
2 of the best nights of your life
1.: when me and bryan started dating
2.: ummmm dont know
Your most favorite person in the world
1.: my mommy
night of your life?: when me n bryan stared dating
Friend?: Joshua Elliott
School Function?: uhhhhh
Music Video ever made?: eminems new one
TV show?: The Sipmsons
Movie?: drop dead fred
Top 10 movies you love
1.: Drop dead fred
2.: the sandlot
3.: Harry potter and the goblet of fire
4.: bevis and butthead do america
5.: scary movie
6.: not another teen movie
7.: the grudge
8.: the hills have eyes
9.: lilo and stich
10.: fat albert (hey Hey hey)
Do you own a...
dvd player?: yes
portable cd player?: yes
portable dvd player?: no
mp3 player?: no
photo album?: yes
calender?: yes
cell phone?: yes 2 of them
drawing book?: no
yearbook from last year?: yes
tv?: yes
Have you had sex before?: yes
Do you ever want to get married?: yes
Have children?: yes
Rather have a diamond ring or a good time?: dimond ring
How old will you be when you graduate high school, if you haven't yet?: i was pose to be 20 but i quit
Do you want to go to college?: i do but i wont
What do you want to do for a career?: be a photographer
Are you able to talk to your family about personal things?: no
Have you ever done drugs?: yes
Drank?: yes
Do you have any piercings?: my ears for now
Tattoos?: no not yet
Did you like this Survey?: it was ok
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You've been totally Bzoink*d