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About Me

The Gospel: Because man has drowned this world in sin God the Father sent me to extinguish the black sin out of every soul living and those to come. I was born from the virgin woman Mary and lived a SINLESS life (amazing isn't it). It is not written in scripture about my early life, so I shall not tell any of it. My ministries began at a Jewish wedding party when I turned normal water into the finest wine anyone has ever tasted. Some of the miracles I performed during my ministry were that I took 5 loaves of bread and 2 pieces of fish and fed 5000 hungry people, and at the end of the day there were 12 big baskets full of leftovers. That night my 12 disciples sailed to sea, and suddenly a fierce storm approached. I came to them with the approach of walking on water. At first they thought I was a ghost, but Peter knew it was me and walked on the water untilhe lost he took his heart off me, but I saved him. I gave dead ones the gift of earthly life, and I healed many from life long diseases. Anyways, these are not the reasons why I gave up my throne in Heaven with my Father to take in human flesh. With the world flowing down the path of sin and my job was to bring them back. The only way to save the life of men now and to come was to shed the blood of a pure being - that was me. I was beaten and tormented by my own people, the Jews, because I was claiming myself as the Son of God. My punishment for claiming myself as King of the Jews was to be crucified. Oe dark day I marched up to Cavalry where I was sadly nailed to a cross. At his last breathes I said "It is finished." Those words meant that the life of a pure lamb has given its blood and gave life to any soul who accept me there Lord and Savior. *****John 3:16 -- For God so loved the world, that He gave up His only and begotten Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish, but have eternal life. -- That means if you believe in Me and the price I paid on the cross, with love, you will live eternally with Me and My Father forever in Heaven(in the afterlife). I made this with help from .. , Look at these other Layouts!

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This is a website dedicated to Jesus, my Lord and Savior. I was thinking that God should be in every part of my life, so making him a friend on myspace would also include him in my, and hopefully yours, technological life. You can send any personal messages to this profile, and I promise with whatever life I got not to read them. They can be messages that take your daily problems off your shoulders, and if you don't praying directly to God is sooo much better. May GOD Bless you.

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