F3 - Oh That Church from Flamingo Road Church on Vimeo .
Pamelations Playlist
stonewall jackson
A little old man who sings the blues in thai and reads my mind in muppet...
i'd like to meet me when i was little. but i probably wouldn't get to talk to me for very long b/c i'd be too busy sticking my tongue out at myself or crying (i guess not much has changed).....
..Oct 17 2008 - VID00004..
A message from Pris .
Great job last night!!!
More Videos (1 total video)
Oct 17 2008 - VID00004
October 17, 2008 -- 18:28
yes, please...
Once, Enchanted, August Rush, Good Will Hunting, Amelie, The Notebook, True Romance, Little Miss Sunshine, Bella, In America, Requiem For A Dream, Bruce Almighty, American Beauty, The Beach, Punch Drunk Love, The Gospel of John, Adaptation, Napoleon Dynamite, Adaptation, Madea's Family Reunion, Girl Interrupted, The Anniversary Party, House of Sand and Fog, Grease, Rent (of course) Kill Bill I and II, Fight Club (one of my favorite lines in a movie is in this one), and anything I've watched that Josh was next to me (even Hero which we both fell asleep in and Date Movie which I hated)!
Fresh Prince of Bel Air, Lost, and must admit I love watching cheesy TBN movies at 3:00 am...
...esaelp meht fo owt ekat ll'i...taerg era skoob
the queen of my life: my Mom of course...