ACADEMIC/LIFE INTERESTS: public health in the developing world, humanitarian aid work in general, refugees and idp's, human trafficking, sex tourism, women's and reproductive health, gender based violence, hiv/aids. in general, i want to spend my life empowering populations marginalized by age, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, class, religious belief, or something else i can't think of at the moment.MISC. INTERESTS: my old friends [maniezheh, kels, sophia, claudiOH], my new friends!!, charlar, sarcasm, engrish, spicy food, wearing a tutu for absolutely no reason, missed connections, doing any sort of outside activity, running, my bici, hugging trees, preparation and enjoyment of cuisine, my blanky, covering my eyes at mixed martial arts competitions, going to school, languages, travel, living simply, telling and hearing outrageous stories, human rights, playing violin, not acting my age, space travel, general nerdery.
generally: geekniks peaceniks beatniks and those of you who attend the quaint academic establishment that is the university of minnesota. i would especially like to meet people going into the humanitarian aid/development field--message me asap!
astrud gilberto and claudio rivera.
2001, breaking away, fight club, baraka, akira, brazil, the day the earth stood still, blade runner, metropolis [original and animated], ghost in the shell, and others
i refuse to live vicariously through a box.
there are far too many to list. mister kurt vonnegut, philip k dick, jack kerouac, hunter s thompson, fyodor, adorno and horkheimer, hemmingway, a.a. milne, pablo neruda. im into short stories.
my auntie paula, my g-mas, other assorted family members