Stars are my tears and clouds my face profile picture

Stars are my tears and clouds my face

I am here for Dating and Friends

About Me

Hi, I'm PJ..You might recognize me from such movies as harry potter 1, 2 ,and yes.....3. I like long walks on the beach with my dead pet tuna named sherman. Besides that i love my guitar, the COLTS (yes peyton manning), I dance, love movies, enjoy shopping, and concerts.(I so sound like a girl) but other than that I live in CA but am formely from TX, MD, Philly and every other place in the US and am now in Texas for school where ya'all comes out of my mouth oh so often. I love Sports, played college basketball, i run every morning. If you have any questions about me or my love for guitar, Macaroni Grill, or Whose line is it anyway...feel free to ask..I love talking to people and check out my buddy RONNIE DAY!!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

My father, God, Grandmother...people who make me who i am today that past away and God because of everything he is.Take the quiz: "How romantic are you?"

Sentimental sweet heart!
You are the type who just makes there heart melt.. GOOD JOB! You are as romantic as it gets!! Every moment with you makes ur g/f feel special

My Blog

I'm not Eminem

Stirring these fueds, my anger is brewed Words you misuse, i got a feeling i can't lose can't alter my mood Its sort of unique cause when I speak In my misteke my poetrys deep and could cause these fe...
Posted by on Fri, 17 Mar 2006 16:39:00 GMT

Lonely Days

Another night left without a sound Doing fine til i suddenly drown, in thoughts of us We're quick to rush,  now all we do is fuss It must be you never learned to trust me to the point that you ju...
Posted by on Sat, 25 Feb 2006 16:42:00 GMT


The sun relflects off autmn leafs and fall only to land on the roof of an old barn Falls festive showings have come Many colored leafs..a picture within its self Maroon, Orange, Yellow, and even...
Posted by on Thu, 17 Mar 2005 16:41:00 GMT

Wods of a Man

Bodies shaken From these verbal bruises its taken Lesson in essence Hates confession to the lords blessings Ive learned blind folded,Im walking the plank But wont be like the others that ...
Posted by on Thu, 17 Mar 2005 16:40:00 GMT

Eyes Swallen Shut

My eyes are swallen shut But not black and blue from a brutal fist of a man Instead the fist of love which is so brutal I try to relinquish the fact that Im here and as long as I live day in an...
Posted by on Thu, 17 Mar 2005 16:40:00 GMT

Summers Passing

Days stretching out longer, in golden brilliance they parade. Eyes as suns in orbits blaze, burning bright to surrender up the light. A place left unfilled, where once a spirt dwelled but lingers ...
Posted by on Thu, 17 Mar 2005 16:39:00 GMT

Do or Die

Loves simplicity is sorrows ease Pain is pleasure That in which we love..our heart Sweat of blood, mercy, of anger as the rain bangs on my window, dying to bring pain But pain is what I feel, ...
Posted by on Thu, 17 Mar 2005 16:39:00 GMT

Won't it End

I just hate the fact im hated Debated and descriminated I would trade it all Im like a baby trying to walk, everytime I stand I fall So im left to crawl, looking for light in this life Of...
Posted by on Thu, 17 Mar 2005 16:38:00 GMT

Mirrors Reflection

Lonliness drips from my tounge like water from a faucet It too goes down the drain, but mine the drain of anguish This is me before you, the real me THe one who never felt like he had to hide wh...
Posted by on Thu, 17 Mar 2005 16:37:00 GMT

Face to a Soul

Let me hold your face, And see the beauty that lies within, For it is not your body I want to hold, But your soul I long to embrace. It is only a short time which we live. To truly know one...
Posted by on Thu, 17 Mar 2005 16:37:00 GMT