About Me
Kickin' it up in Rochester..havin' a good old time! LOVE my new job! Miss my Syracuse friends!
I've realized life is too short to sweat the small stuff!-----Things I LIKE: Friends, Good Friends, Laughing, Drinking, Sleeping, Changing my hair color, Working Out, Singing, Music, Dancing, Playing, Kissing, what comes AFTER kissing, Reading, Cooking, Throwing Parties, Learning NOT to take myself too seriously, Being Outside, Honest People who look you in the eye, Shopping, Pointy Shoes, my UGGS, Coach Bags, playing with my Makeup, My Baby Blue Eyes, Hot Showers, Long Baths, the Red Sox, Being Right----Things I DISLIKE: People who take up 2 parking spaces, People who cut in line, People who won't look you in the eye, People who push the handicapped button that don't need to, People who won't move over to let you on the highway, Being Alone, Rain, Hangovers, Crying, Working too much, Working at all, Yelling, Arguing, Mornings, the Yankees, Being Wrong