Radio Warszawa gets on air on fall 2001. After having released their first Demotape and after a few formation changes, in 2003 RW releases their first album "I" and with that the Radio starts gigging around Italy. The record gets positive reviews on several music magazines and is claimed to be the melting pot of several references, from New Wave to 90's Grunge Rock, From Dulli to Radiohead, passing though an author's song style approach to songwriting.
After that, Radio Warszawa goes through a long forced pause and after the umpteenth change of formation, the Radio gets to the actual line up.
In 2006 "II" is released, the work is composed by ten songs and is characterized by a greater will of essentiality in the songs and maturity in the arrangements. For the first time half of the songs have been recorded with vocals in english.
In 2007 Radio Warszawa gets the second position on Arezzo Wave Marche, a popular italian band contest.
Both of the the previous works have been re-recorded totally with english vocals and got remastered.
The transmission goes on.
Distances live@Mamamia 16.02.07
Anne Katherine Vej live@Mamamia 16.02.07
contacts: [email protected]