Hmm what is it that we do. That's an interesting question. Well I could say, you know, yadda yadda, but it wouldn't be entirely to the point. I don't know, it's sort of difficult to explain but I'm sure you understand, right?
So anyway, it's four of us. Not too much vocal action involved. None, in fact. So it's sort of like Jazz, but without any of the technical proficiency usually accompanied by that particular style of music-playing. No no no !!! This is the 21st century, who cares if any of us can actually play their instrument? Energy and power, and all that. Maybe a certain level of pretentious deconstructionism. We take conventional structures and rip them apart and rebuild them, and all that. Yeah we do all that. But again, that's also sort of like Jazz, only 50 years later so nothing new about that either, huh? So in conclusion, it's nothing special really. We do enjoy enthusiastically exhibiting our complete and utter plainness in every bar and club that would let us. So if you're one of those people, contact us ok?
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AN APPLE live at Sugartown 25-10-08 from bernie van hecke on Vimeo .