~Pink$amio~ profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

****well to start im sam as you may have already figured!,totaly random DOWN TO EARTH guy,I am not your normal teenager running riot and having mad parties all the time..... - WHO THE HELL AM I KIDDING- i am a total party animal and have a problem wich consists of not being able to say 'NO' but we all know things get better when we say YES!.... so why be boring and anti-social!.I am VERRY opinionated and am not affraid to speak contraversially...(witch sometimes SOMETIMES gets me in trouble).I refuse to apologise for being so damn fabulous and intimidating to my fellow queers!.I love my takeaways but don't overdose on them oh and enjoy chicken to much to become a vegan....sorry peeps im a carnivor lol. (??dunno why i added that bit but hey??)i totaly worship the dancefloor! and the podiums (yes kelly),id say music is my mood and there is always a song that fits the mood im in .and my friends mean the world to me!-SO TOUCH EM YOU DIE!!love meeting new people and chatting so get mailing me!so basicaly to sum me up despite sounding like a over obsessive bitch.. i am a happy person who just - like every single one of us loves to have a good time! thanx for listening MMWA! xxsamioxx

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

im looking for genuine people to have a chat with or a flirt he he! . . .ohh and ladies where it says orientation ,it does clearly state GAY, so please no freaky messages sayin im cute i am NOT a homo-flexable haha mwa x x x*********************************************************
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My Blog


..> 16 Jun 2007, 00:28 Subject TUESDAY @ THE GEORGE it has come to my attention that every tuesday, wich is our beloved pub night that something always happens. there is never a night where some...
Posted by on Fri, 15 Jun 2007 17:05:00 GMT

gossip interview,leeds met uni

FACT! Beth Ditto's cat Rhoda recently went for a routine spaying, & came out completely BLIND. FACT! A few years ago Beth Ditto & her transexual girl/boyfriend starred in some raunchy pornogra...
Posted by on Fri, 02 Mar 2007 05:04:00 GMT