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Special nOar [Lsdf - Kpr ] sur les ondes a l'occasion de sa sortie vinyl
: HNC 01
HardNoar Criminal The Big payback
Passionne de musique , Noar est un artiste a part entiere DU CREW lsdf

Il produit essentiellemnt du son hardcore dancefloor comme a l’ancienne
mais ne s'arrette pas a ce style puisquil distillera bientot des styles percutants
….Il sevit avec le celebre sound system banlieusard LSDF = Le sourire
double face … le son des familles …. Le son du futur …. Les scoutes de
France…enfin l’essence du futur koi.
…il fait parti de la generation happy raver , psykiatrik et
a fait ces classes au cote ds meilleurs dj francais tel que manu le malin
, liza n eliaz,radium et tout le gratin underground de l epoque
La passion du mix ….
Mix depuis l age de 14 ans en commencant ds les MJC avec
des sets funks souls hip hop.
Cest en 92 a l’ after MAYDAY a paris que fut sa revelation….
de la l idee de monter un sound est ne…il cree une asso de pote
un peu amateur dans le 78 jusqu au tekos de fontainebleau en 95
ou il sevit avec son kilo de son tel un acharne ….
La revelation fut lors de sa rencontre avec LSDF Posse a toulon
lors de l ete 95 a Tarnos pr le tekos qui dura plus de 10 jours
. Ensuite les teufs s enchainent au cote de son crew
qui pose a l epoque avec psykiatrik vers toulon dans le sud
contamine ou il cree avec 120 son ami le concept de Kpr = Pour ceux KomPriRush
…puis retour sur panam du crew pr une grosse tawa
….une soiree a marquer dans les annales d une pierre noire puisque gros drame
au petit matin ….les flics qui d’ailleurs n’ont pas arreter de vouloir
stopper la teuf toute la nuit interpelle Famas des Psykiatrik et Noar des lsdf
lors de cette interpellation ce fut Noar le criminal qui justifia
la decouverte de l entrepot…. Ce qui lui valu 10 mois ferme
pour organistaion de teuf dont 3 mois directe en preventive
, 8 mois de sursis, 3 ans d interdiction de sejour en ile de France
plus a l epoque 15000F d amende ….sanction qu il a subi en totalite suite aux repressions policiieres .
ceci narretera pas le sound puisquil organiseront tous les mois
des teufs sur Paris ....
apres une vie privee chargee il revient En 2006 sur le devant
de la scene hardcore, avec la sortie prochaine de son skeud
HNC01 HARD NOAR CRIMINAL qui va marquee le debut d’une serie
bien bien dancefloor et revendicateur pour tout cramer
Contact for Booking::+0033 0 642 129 853
Special n0ar [Lsdf - Kpr] on air since the record is out : HNC 01
HardNoar Criminal The Big payback
As a music addict, Noar is an accomplished artist and a member of the LSDF Crew.
He's producing essentialy good old "back in the days" hardcore dancefloor
sound but does not limit himself to this kind as he will soon produce
some striking music style.
He's bangin' with the famous LSDF sound system from Paris's suburbs.
LSDF stands for "Le sourire à double face" (Two-faced smile)
... "Le son des familles" (Sounds of the family)
... "Le son du futur" (Sounds from the future)
... "Les scouts de france" (Frenchies scouts) ...
for short, the future's essence.
He's from the happy raver generation, psykiatrik
and made his wings with the best french djs like Manu le malin, Liza'n'eliaz, radium
and the whole underground scene of these years.
He loves to mix ...
He's mixing since his fourteen beginning in the MJC
(House of youth and culture) with funk, soul and hip-hop sets.
In 1992 during the MAYDAY's after, he has his enlightment,
with the idea of creating a sound system.
Then he created an association a bit amateur with his buddies in the Yvelines
until the Fontainebleau's Teknival in '95 where he gave them the hell
like a freak with his 1KW sound system...
The revelation took place on his first encounter with the LSDF Posse
in Toulon during the '95 summer in the Tarnos's Teknival which lasted more than 10 days.
Next, with his crew who was working with psykiatrik near Toulon
in the already contaminated south of France at this time,
parties after parties, he created with his buddy 120
the KPR concept (KomPriRush).
Then the crew was back in Paris for a big throwdown,
the kind you do not forget,
since the french cops arrested Famas from the Psykiatrik
and Noar from the LSDF after trying to stop the party many times during the night.
During these events, it was Noar the criminal who justified the warehouse discovery.
He took 10 months straight in jail for organizing the party
plus 3 months in preventive jail, 8 months of deferment ,
3 years banned from Ile-de-France (where Paris is)
and a 15000FF (2286 euros) fine.
All of this was applied following some police repressions.
But nothing would stop the sound system since they organized monthly parties on Paris...
After a really full private life, he came back in 2006
in front of the hardcore scene with his future record
which will mark the beginning of a "really really dancefloor and claiming to burn everything" line of production.
Contact for Booking:+0033 0 642 129 853
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Member Since: 01/09/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: L.S.D.F & K.P.R
Sounds Like:Facebook moi !

HardNoaR LIVE 7 a la fete de la zik Cavalaire 2008

Faites grimper sa cotesur zik pote

Record Label: Unknown Indie
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog


Nouveau tattoo en hommage a 120db LSDF qui nous a quitter beaucoup trop tot!!putain tu nous manques!!! 
Posted by on Tue, 25 Aug 2009 14:38:00 GMT

Découvre cet événement: LSDF IN DA CLUB

 Organisateur :LSDF IN DA CLUB!!!29/08 LE LAVANDOUDate / Heure :samedi 29 août 2009Où:L'alternatifport du lavandoule lavandou83980Description:LSDF IN DA CLUB!! soiree total Live LSDFClique ici pour vi...
Posted by on Tue, 25 Aug 2009 14:34:00 GMT

hnc in angers 2007

undefined HardNoarCrim inal in Angers inal in Angers">Add to My Profile | More Videos
Posted by on Sat, 19 Jan 2008 06:37:00 GMT

Hommage a Panik R.i.P

Suite a la disparition de Panik (1996/2007) je voulais lui un rendre un hommage qui resterais pour toujours... Merci a ZEST pour le dessin! Un Grand merci a Cris qui ma arranger et na pas hesiter un...
Posted by on Sun, 08 Jul 2007 15:42:00 GMT

Spain 2007

Spain 2007
Posted by on Thu, 05 Jul 2007 07:04:00 GMT