Musicians, actors or filmmakers who want their work on our show. We can guarantee that there's NO MONEY INVOLVED!
About the no money thing. Remember, we're a non-budgeted show. Have you ever tried squeezing money out of the freaking Gazette? It's easier to squeeze cooking oil out of your farts.
Also, we'd love to meet anybody who wants to buy the overpriced crap at my Cafepress stores. You can buy RFC and related merchandise at the following Cafepress stores You'll have to follow a couple of extra links, because MySpace is being a total bastard and disabled all links to Cafepress stores and didn't bother telling me, so I hope they all get itchy privates and have to sit uncomfortably for a very long time.
You can find links to all three stores right here. I'm leaving the descriptions below, but due to the Soviet-era information kontrols implemented by Czar Tom, you'll have to go to this old PopCult post. to find working links.
Radio Free Charleston (featuring merchandise from our show)
The PopCult Store (featuring art and images from the PopCult blog and
The Monday Morning Art Store (featuring a wide variety of shirts and other crap featuring the image of that week's Monday Morning Art from PopCult. These are available for ONE WEEK ONLY, then they're taken out behind the barn and shot.
Sorry for making you jump through extra hoops to order my cool, overpriced crap (now at record-low prices!) but I didn't realize what pricks MySpace had become.
Check my Videos for more music from RFC! and visit The RFC TV Archives for our older shows. Even more detailed production notes and more personal observations can be found right here at the MySpace blog. Click your way there up in the corner of the profile page.