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Created by"This page is not maintained by REDaction, If you would like to visit the offical REDaction website at"REDaction consists of a cross section of Arsenal fans from Season Ticket holders, Club members, Fans Forum representatives, and Fanzine contributors.
REDaction wes formed after many, many discussions over the matchday atmosphere at Arsenal games, home games in particular, so it was decided to try to make some improvements to this with a series of initiatives.You may have heard of REDaction before under the previous name of the 'Atmosphere Group', which was formed in November 2003 to try to make a difference. REDaction worked on various things through last season including Fans day activities, Banners; - WHL '71, ANFIELD '89, OLD TRAFFORD '02, WHL '04 - You may have seen these on the front of the North Bank - these were created by the REDaction group, and also some other activities such as getting hundreds of Arsenal Fans to go the Fulham away game in May in Fancy Dress.REDaction also periodically run 'North Bank Knees Ups', which is basically a bunch of Gooners singing Arsenal songs on the North bank concourse pre-game, with the help of a couple of microphones and an amp.REDaction also hope to have a little something called the 'Great Moments Montage' running on the Jumbotrons just prior to kick off at home games for the coming season. This is a short film capturing Great moments from Arsenal's history - Great Goals, Important goals, and trophy celebrations from down the years. Feedback REDaction has had so far on this has been very positive, so we hope you will all have the chance to see it. There is a brief snippet for GG and Rocky embracing on the pitch at WHL in '87 after our dramatic semi win. It brings a lump to the throat!REDaction are now trying to move on from last year, as REDaction wanted to bring the atmosphere issues into the public domain, to try and make other Gooners aware we had a problem. We got some good publicity from some of the activities on website and in 'The Gooner' fanzine, so it was now decided to change the group's name but keep plugging away at the major issues.REDaction have had some great help from the Club on many of our ideas and activities and hope to continue this over the coming season. We now have a budget which has been allocated to us by the Club, so we hope that all Arsenal fans will see some benefit from this throughout the season. Home | Browse | Search | Invite | Film | Mail | Blog | Favorites | Forum | Groups | Events | Videos | Music | Comedy | Classifieds