So as some of you know, this is my myspace for bands. I have a personal myspace and seriously I was getting like 5-10 friend requests from different bands per day. It was getting too much to keep up with along with my hence the reason for a band myspace. So..about me...I'm Shayna
I'll be 18 on Halloween
I absolutely LOVE going to concerts/shows
I also love checking out new bands..which would be the reason for this myspace
Promoting bands..I do that quite well too. I have introduced people to many bands in my day haha
Random fact about me: when I turn 18 I am so0o0o wanting a vertical labret done
You can learn more about me two ways:
my personal myspace which is:
Hit me up on AIM at foxygrl4ever909I edited my profile at . check out these Myspace Layouts!