A BOYFRIEND WHO IS VERY MUCH LIKE TI. A gay best friend. People who have lots of personality. People who are either really nice, or really mean. Amanda and I's third.
And of course...
More soulmates.
Aka cute boys who: love puppies, take Myspace pictures with puppies, are creeps, like fashion, are cocky and/or super confident, do not have hairy bodies, go tanning, like to talk, enjoy: memory foam, stuffed animals, pillows, blankets, and silk sheets, buy me food, have cute piercings, have incredibly glowing white teeth, and are amazing.
Earn your points.
xIBleedGlitter: + 10 soulmate points!
asdftroy: i don't really know what to do with those points
xIBleedGlitter: You should feel honored when you get them, duh.
asdftroy: oh
asdftroy: can i have some more? :)