Shortie was born in Keysborough hospital on the 21st October 1987 at 5:50pm to be exact. Lived briefly in Seaford but spent a great majority of his "younger" days in Frankston. Shortie went to Ballam Park Primary School and had very eventful events happen. Including a crazed man with a gun standing on soccer fields that he walked passed to get to school. Constant lock downs because of psychos prowling the schools perimeters and other such events. Loudly and proudly represented his school basketball team for 6years, winning numerous grand finals and making some great mates.
Moved down to the Mornington Peninsula in 1999 and started High School at Dromana Secondary College in 2000. On his first day he heard his name being called out by another student, which he knew none of. Turned and found it was one of his old ballers from way back in the early days. Joined his team for a season and won the grand final. Again.
It was April 9th of 2000 that he found out he had Diabetes and had to make some massive changes to his life to adapt to the new ways. Worried what this meant for his basketball Shortie pushed on to find out it meant nothing...
Spent a lot of time back and forwards between Frankston and Mornington Peninsula trying to maintain his old friends but make new ones. A lot of his friends "vanished" except his one true mate from Primary School, who is still his closest friend to date.
Making Friends down on the Mornington/Pen was rather difficult as "surfers" seemed to have an issue with people that wore "Wu-Tang" clothes, which he didn't, he wore "street" clothes. But oh well it was there problem. After drifting between friends for a bit he found his mates in Tom, Richard, Daniel and Sam up until year 10. After that more people were added to the group and it all just went from there. By year 11 people started to have different interest and although they all remained friends they didn't catch up like they used to.
It was Shortie's 16th birthday that he accomplished a life goal of his, to sky dive. This is a major achievement in Shortie's life and he shared it with someone special. Although things with the friend may not be how Shortie wishes they were he still wishes this person the best of luck in there life.
It was this year that Shortie meet DJ, now some people may want to thank this guy others may want to get this guy. But he is the soul reason Shortie raps today. Shortie always loved the music but never wrote or sung. That was until he was challenged to a battle by his new friend DJ. A small crowd had gathered and the battle began, losing the coin toss Shortie had to go first. OH GREAT! But after the longest 30seconds of his life + DJ's 30seconds he walked away the victor. Was this a real possibility for Shortie? The two of them formed a group BME - Bad Meets Evil. But never recorded a song together, though they did spend time in a studio together. Only to record other bits and pieces by other artists. It was always "next time" with DJ. But he moved away and next time never came. Shortie set his PC up for the task and started doing armature rhymes from his bedroom. Still heavily influenced by the American Rap he was custom to Shortie had a long way to go. Shortie later found his own style, non American, but not totally Aussie. Have a listen tell us what you think. And thanks to his current DJ, DJ ElTorqiro bettered his timing and lyrical skills.
But it was at the end of year 10 that Shortie layed eyes on the most beautiful girl in the world, and not long after (19/4/04) they were an item. And still are to this day.
School finished and everyone went there separate ways. Now Shortie's group of friends is very small but close. Steph, David, Michael "I know these three would have my back in any situation". Christian, Luke and Greg are some other great mates of Shortie's.
Shortie still plays basketball to this day, missing only 2 basketball seasons in total. As well as coaching his 7th consecutive year with the Sonics, his number one pride and joy. Gave reffing a go, but later gave that up. WORK IN PROGRESSHaha was going through some OOOOLD pictures and came across this one.