MUSIC, DRUMS, drawing, painting, photoshop, video editing, books, movies, museums, politics..... ....When the popwer of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace. -Sn Chinmoy Ghose
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Absolutely Fabulous, Grey's Anatomy, Heroes, Without a Trace, The L Word, Project Runway South Park....
Ender's Game (Orson Scott Card), The Count of Monte Cristo (Alexandre Dumas), Thus Spoke Zarathustra (Friedrich Nietzsche), The Burning Tigris (Peter Balakian), A Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies (Bartolome De Las Casas), Arabian Nights 2 (Translated by Husain Haddawy), We Wish to Inform You that Tomorrow We Will be Killed With Our Families (Philip Gourevitch), The Twelve Caesars (Translated by Robert Graves), Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglas (Frederick Douglas, edited by Benjamin Quarles), The Tso Chuan (translated by Burton Watson), A Brief History of British Kings & Queens (Mike Ashley)