Our newses addition isKessler Gwen Story who was born July 8th 2008, our daughter and little sister to Kaden. Kaden was born over 2 years ago. He is running like crazy, enjoying being a big brother and loves to explore...Leaving me to do lots of laundry 'cause he's doing what boys do, GET DIRTY!!! Matthew and I are enjoying every minute of parenthood!!! (When Matt's not out moving our customers)....We wish that the housing market was doing muck better ( i'm sure a lot of people right now wished that as well) It makes work slower for us as well as our dream of being able to pack up and move to a nice new house w/ a good chuck of land and privacy is far off in the grand scale of things!!! We now know that we'd rather live in "the sticks" than the suburbs....what were we thinking? Who Knows! Till we move, we will stay busy hanging with my horse, Cody (out in Sugar Grove), our dog Sadie... the Park District for winter programs, and fixing up the house!